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A simple Forge Minecraft server, running in a docker container.

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(Minceraft) Minecraft v1.20.4 Docker Server

A simple NeoForge Minecraft server, running in a docker container.

Runs a NeoForge Minecraft server, version 1.20.4. Supports ARM64 and x86-64

All options within the file have been ported to enviromental variables. Using these variables, the file is regenerated on each startup of the container. It's recommended to use a .env file for your variables to avoid unexpected changes to your server configuration.


Getting Started

Simple run with all defaults.

docker run -it \
    --name minceraft \
    -p 25565:25565 \
    -v /minceraft:/server \

Run with imported mods & Customized server config

docker run -it \
    --name minceraft \
    -v /path/to/mods:/mods \
    -e LEVELNAME="My Minceraft Server" \
    -e LEVELSEED="docker" \
    -p 25565:25565 \
    -v /minceraft:/server \

Run with imported mods & Customized server config in a .env file.

docker run -it \
    --name minceraft \
    -v /path/to/mods:/mods \
    -v /path/to/logs:/logs \
    --env-file ./server.env \
    -p 25565:25565 \
    -v /minceraft:/server \


LEVELNAME="My Minceraft Server"
MOTD="I love Minceraft!"


Minecraft Server settings

Options below are used to generate on each start-up.

Variable Description Default
ALLOWFLIGHT Allows players to fly in Survival mode false
ALLOWNETHER Allows players to travel to the Nether true
BROADCASTCONSOLETOOPS Sends console commands to operators true
BROADCASTRCONTOOPS Sends RCON commands to operators true
BUGREPORTLINK URL for bug reporting ""
DEBUG Enables debug mode false
DIFFICULTY Sets the difficulty level (peaceful, easy, normal, hard) easy
ENABLECOMMANDBLOCK Enables command blocks true
ENABLEJMXMONITORING Enables JMX monitoring false
ENABLEQUERY Enables GameSpy4 protocol server listener false
ENABLERCON Enables remote access to the server console false
ENABLESTATUS Enables server status true
ENFORCESECUREPROFILE Enforces secure profiles true
ENFORCEWHITELIST Enforces the whitelist false
ENTITYBROADCASTRANGEPERCENTAGE Entity broadcast range percentage 100
FORCEGAMEMODE Forces players to join in the default game mode false
FUNCTIONPERMISSIONLEVEL Permission level for function commands 2
GAMEMODE Sets the game mode (survival, creative, adventure, spectator) survival
GENERATESTRUCTURES Generates structures like villages true
GENERATORSETTINGS Custom generator settings {}
HARDCORE Enables hardcore mode false
HIDEONLINEPLAYERS Hides online players from the server list false
INITIALDISABLEDPACKS Initial disabled data packs ""
INITIALENABLEDPACKS Initial enabled data packs vanilla
LEVELNAME Name of the level world
LEVELSEED Seed for the level generator ""
LEVELTYPE Type of the level generator minecraft:normal
LOGIPS Logs player IP addresses true
MAXCHAINEDNEIGHBORUPDATES Maximum chained neighbor updates 1000000
MAXPLAYERS Maximum number of players 20
MAXTICKTIME Maximum tick time 60000
MAXWORLDSIZE Maximum world size 29999984
MOTD Message of the day A Minecraft Server
NETWORKCOMPRESSIONTHRESHOLD Network compression threshold 256
ONLINEMODE Server verifies connecting players true
OPPERMISSIONLEVEL Operator permission level 4
PLAYERIDLETIMEOUT Player idle timeout 0
PREVENTPROXYCONNECTIONS Prevents proxy connections false
PVP Enables player vs player combat true
QUERYPORT Query port 25565
RATELIMIT Rate limit for packets 0
RCONPORT RCON port 25575
REGIONFILECOMPRESSION Region file compression method deflate
REQUIRERESOURCEPACK Requires players to use the resource pack false
RESOURCEPACK URL to the resource pack ""
RESOURCEPACKID Resource pack ID ""
RESOURCEPACKPROMPT Resource pack prompt message ""
RESOURCEPACKSHA1 SHA-1 hash of the resource pack ""
SERVERIP Server IP address ""
SERVERPORT Server port 25565
SIMULATIONDISTANCE Simulation distance 10
SPAWNANIMALS Spawns animals true
SPAWNMONSTERS Spawns monsters true
SPAWNNPCS Spawns NPCs true
SPAWNPROTECTION Spawn protection radius 16
SYNCCHUNKWITES Synchronizes chunk writes true
TEXTFILTERINGCONFIG Text filtering configuration ""
USENATIVETRANSPORT Uses native transport true
VIEWDISTANCE View distance 10
WHITELIST Enables the whitelist false

For more information, please checkout the Minecraft Wiki