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Installing CryoSPARC on Sherlock

Steps were derived from the instructions from CryoSPARC and a presentation by Zhiyong Zhang in the SRCC-support team. Additional thank you to Haoqing Wang for advice & debugging at several steps, and to Josh Carter for test running the whole thing, brainstorming on ways to make the system more efficient and finding errors to fix.

Table of Contents

Basic Installation Steps

Step 1 : Get a license number from CryoSPARC & port number to use for the lab

  • For the license number, fill out the form at their download website, and you'll get an e-mail with the license number
  • For the port number, go to the Barnes Lab drive and under "Inventories" find "Sherlock Port Availabilities" sheet listing empty and used port numbers. Find a port that is either empty or used by someone who is no longer likely to use it again (i.e. no longer in the lab). It should be a 5 digit number like 39000.

Step 2 : Download CryoSPARC to $GROUP_HOME

Connect to dev node

sdev -t 3:00:00 -p cobarnes -g 1

Create a screen to return to in case anything goes wrong. Replace <SUNetID> with your SUNetID

screen -S <SUNetID>_cs

Set variables to use during the rest of the installation Replace <SUNetID> with your SUNetID Replace <LicenseID> with your License ID Replace <PORTNum> with your selected Port Number

export SUNETID=<SUNetID>
export LICENSE_ID=<LicenseID>
export PORT_NUM=<PORTNum>

Create a folder to download into

mkdir $CS_PATH
mkdir cryosparc_db


curl -L$LICENSE_ID -o cryosparc_master.tar.gz
curl -L$LICENSE_ID -o cryosparc_worker.tar.gz
tar -xf cryosparc_master.tar.gz cryosparc_master
tar -xf cryosparc_worker.tar.gz cryosparc_worker

Step 3 : Install CryoSPARC

Install CryoSPARC Master

cd cryosparc_master
./ --license $LICENSE_ID --hostname --dbpath $CS_PATH/cryosparc_db --port $PORT_NUM

Start CryoSPARC

./bin/cryosparcm start

Create the login account you will use. Replace each of the five fields with your own information before copy-pasting!!!

cryosparcm createuser --email "<e-mail>" \
                      --password "<password>" \
                      --username "<username>" \
                      --firstname "<firstname>" \
                      --lastname "<lastname>"

Install CryoSPARC Worker

cd ..
cd cryosparc_worker
ml cuda/11.7.1
./ --license $LICENSE_ID --cudapath $CUDA_HOME
./bin/cryosparcw connect --worker sh03-11n13 --master sh03-11n13 --port $PORT_NUM --nossd
cd ..

Prepare to connect master to worker. Copy and paste three following blocks of code

cat <<EOF >  cluster_info.json
    "name" : "barnes-sherlock",
    "worker_bin_path" : "$CS_PATH/cryosparc_worker/bin/cryosparcw",
    "cache_path" : "$GROUP_SCRATCH",
    "cache_reserve_mb" : 10000,
    "cache_quota_mb": 1000000,
    "send_cmd_tpl" : "{{ command }}",
    "qsub_cmd_tpl" : "sbatch {{ script_path_abs }}",
    "qstat_cmd_tpl" : "squeue -j {{ cluster_job_id }}",
    "qdel_cmd_tpl" : "scancel {{ cluster_job_id }}",
    "qinfo_cmd_tpl" : "sinfo",
    "transfer_cmd_tpl" : "scp {{ src_path }} loginnode:{{ dest_path }}"

cat <<EOF >
#SBATCH --job-name=cs-{{ project_uid }}-{{ job_uid }}
#SBATCH --output={{ job_log_path_abs }}
#SBATCH --error={{ job_log_path_abs }}
#SBATCH -p cobarnes
#SBATCH -n {{ cpu_requested }}
#SBATCH --gpus={{ num_gpu }}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb*2)|int }}G
#SBATCH -t {{ time_requested }}
#SBATCH --mail-user={{ sunetid }}

echo "\$(date): job \$SLURM_JOBID starting on \$SLURM_NODELIST"

ml cuda/11.7.1

echo "Starting cryosparc worker job"

{{ run_cmd }}

echo "Finished cryosparc worker job"

cat <<EOF >
#SBATCH --job-name=cs-master
#SBATCH --error=cs-master.err.%j --output=cs-master.out.%j
#SBATCH --dependency=singleton
#SBATCH -p cobarnes
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --gpus=0
#SBATCH -t 7-00:00:00
#SBATCH --signal=B:SIGUSR1@360
#SBATCH --mail-user=$

_resubmit() {
    ## Resubmit the job for the next execution
    echo "$(date): job $SLURM_JOBID received SIGUSR1 at $(date), re-submitting"
    cryosparcm stop
    sbatch $0
trap _resubmit SIGUSR1


echo "Loading cryosparc GUI"

cryosparcm start

echo "Loaded cryosparc GUI"

echo "$(date): job $SLURM_JOBID starting on $SLURM_NODELIST"
while true; do
    echo "$(date): normal execution"
    sleep 300

Connect CryoSPARC to the cluster

cryosparcm cluster connect

Step 4 : Start the CryoSPARC GUI

The max time for a Sherlock job is 7 days. This code will start a job that will resubmit a job every 7 days to restart your CryoSPARC GUI. If you start a job that doesn't finish before the GUI restarts, it'll probably be cancled. I would honestly recommend canceling this job submission each time you're done for the day and resubmit the above code block each time you want to start working again.


To cancel the job when you're done

scancel -n cs-master

To check if your job has started

squeue -u $SUNETID

Step 5 : Connect to the CryoSPARC GUI

Terminate the screen


Exit the dev mode


Then, on your own separate terminal (NOT Sherlock), replacing <SUNetID> with your SUNetID (this should be similar to logging on to Sherlock) and <PORTNum> with your Port Number

ssh -XYNfL \<PORTNum\>:sh03-11n13:\<PORTNum\> <SUNetID>

Then on any browser on your computer, go to the following url, replacing <PORTNum> with your Port Number


Note: Step 4 can take 5-10 minutes to start up (or faster), so continue to refresh if you don't see anything yet Once you see the login screen, you can log in with the credentials you inputted at step 3

Step 6 : Configure CryoSPARC

  1. Once logged in, go to admin (key symbol on the left)
  2. Go to Cluster Configuration Tab
  3. Add a few Key-Value pairs, replacing <SUNetID> with your SUNetID

Key = time_requested | Value = 24:00:00

Key = partition_requested | Value = cobarnes

Key = cpu_requested | Value = 1

Key = sunetid | Value = <SUNetID>

And you're done! Test out the functionality of the installation by processing with some small sample batch.

Step 7 : Submit Jobs

For a given job, create and configure your job as needed. When you click "Queue Job" and you're given the option to modify the category "Queue to Lane"

  1. Select "barnes-sherlock (cluster)"
  2. Select the number of gpus, number of cpus (if using gpus, consider getting double the number of cpus as gpus), amount of time you will need and your SUNetID
  3. Click "Queue"

Adding Additional Parameters for the Submission Script

You may want to be able to adjust more parameters in the Sherlock job submission script. For example, you may want to use a different partition from what you're using. Here are the steps to adding more adjustable parameters for the submission script.

Step 1 : Name the variable for which you want to make adjustable

If you want to be able to adjust a certain parameter, come up with how you want to refer to it. In this example, we want to be able to adjust the partition we are using when we submit the job. We will call that parameter {{ partition_requested }}. Note, the curly braces and spacing is IMPORTANT! When you name your own parameter, you must keep the curly barces and spaces surrounding the actual text partition_requested

Step 2 : Edit your submission script

Suppose your file in your main cryosparc installation folder looks like the following:

#SBATCH --job-name=cs-{{ project_uid }}-{{ job_uid }}
#SBATCH --output={{ job_log_path_abs }}
#SBATCH --error={{ job_log_path_abs }}
#SBATCH -p cobarnes
#SBATCH -n {{ cpu_requested }}
#SBATCH --gpus={{ num_gpu }}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb*2)|int }}G
#SBATCH -t {{ time_requested }}
#SBATCH --mail-user={{ sunetid }}

echo "\$(date): job \$SLURM_JOBID starting on \$SLURM_NODELIST"

ml cuda/11.7.1

echo "Starting cryosparc worker job"

{{ run_cmd }}

echo "Finished cryosparc worker job"

Replace where you want the text replacement for the parameter to go. In this example, we want cobarnes replaced with our variable of choice, {{ partition_requested }}. After replacement, should now look like this:

#SBATCH --job-name=cs-{{ project_uid }}-{{ job_uid }}
#SBATCH --output={{ job_log_path_abs }}
#SBATCH --error={{ job_log_path_abs }}
#SBATCH -p {{ partition_requested }}
#SBATCH -n {{ cpu_requested }}
#SBATCH --gpus={{ num_gpu }}
#SBATCH --mem={{ (ram_gb*2)|int }}G
#SBATCH -t {{ time_requested }}
#SBATCH --mail-user={{ sunetid }}

echo "\$(date): job \$SLURM_JOBID starting on \$SLURM_NODELIST"

ml cuda/11.7.1

echo "Starting cryosparc worker job"

{{ run_cmd }}

echo "Finished cryosparc worker job"

Note the change on line 7

Step 3 : Connect the new job submission script to CryoSPARC

Make sure you are in the directory that contains and cluster_info.json. Then enter the following:

cryosparcm cluster connect

Step 4 : Indicate the use of the parameter on the CryoSPARC GUI

  1. Go to your cryosparc GUI instance on your browser.
  2. Go to admin (key symbol on the left)
  3. Go to Cluster Configuration tab
  4. Add the Key-Value pair for which the "Key" is your parameter name WITHOUT curly braces and spaces (i.e. partition_requested), and the "Value" should be the default for your parameter. In this example, you would add the following:

Key = partition_requested | Value = cobarnes

Some things that haven't been written in yet: installations for using 3DFlex


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