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Releases: johnnymillergh/muscle-and-fitness-server

Release Version (2022-08-14)

14 Aug 12:37
Choose a tag to compare (2022-08-14)

Bug Fixes

  • $SQL: correct SQL by deleted = 'N' (a3516a9)
  • $SQL: correct the SQL of retrieving permission list (07d67de)
  • $starter: @AutoConfiguration should be used to annotate top-level auto-configuration classes (417773a)
  • $starter: correct auto-configuration registration (b83bd89)
  • $starter: correct directory for auto-configuration registration (99a8f28)
  • $starter: correct package for auto-configuration registration (1240fea)
  • correct all kinds of issues (34448d6)
  • correct annotations for Spring Validation (5f0c38a)


  • $api-gateway: dynamic service registration sense for OpenAPI (72f4277)
  • $api-gateway: migrate from Maven to Gradle (e3d869e)
  • $auth-center: successfully migrate to Gradle 7.5 (b4236cf)
  • $Datetime: support ISO 8601 datetime format (71de1d8)
  • $EventBus: support auto-configured Guava event bus (6938193)
  • $GitHub: use Gradle compilation for GitHub Actions (053eb8b)
  • $Gradle: downgrade ShardingSphere and exclude conflict dependency (f91d8ae)
  • $Gradle: integrate Google Jib with Gradle (ba9feef)
  • $maf-mis: migrate from Maven to Gradle (cc0438a)
  • $oss-center: migrate from Maven to Gradle (06ca634)
  • $spring-boot-admin: migrate from Maven to Gradle (39e5ebc)
  • $Swagger: beautify Swagger UI by Knife4j-UI (c1b823c)

Performance Improvements

  • $EventBus: enhance non-async and async event bus (d3235e3)
  • $EventBus: support async event bus; support dynamic component scan (fe1de45)
  • $Gradle: enable cache for GitHub Action CI (b606d21)
  • $Gradle: execute unit tests in parallel mode; supports JaCoCo (a34b7ee)
  • $Gradle: improve Gradle compilation performance (772c6c0)
  • $Maven: parallel Maven building (445af69)
  • $POM: update dependencies (42d0abb)
  • $POM: update dependencies (de3e26a)
  • $POM: update dependencies (8cc6e16)
  • $POM: update Spring Boot version to 2.6.6 (2058a71)
  • $POM: update Spring Boot version to 2.7.0 (fafa257)
  • $POM: update Spring Boot version to 2.7.1 (65f0022)
  • $POM: upgrade dependencies (f869645)

Release Version 0.0.9 (2022-04-17)

17 Apr 01:20
Choose a tag to compare

0.0.9 (2022-04-17)

Bug Fixes

  • $ELK: correct Elasticsearch index (fcefc44)
  • $Kotlin: fix Kotlin building error cannot find symbol (f7a3259)
  • $MinIO: record -> class (f593f94)
  • $Quartz: correct StackOverflowError from inappropriate Hutool usage (ae086dc)
  • $Quartz: correct job execution to avoid NPE (f8932b0)
  • $starter: correct configuration properties (2208e18)
  • $starter: correct configuration properties 2 (8820316)
  • $starter: correct configuration properties 3 (5e2c41a)
  • $starter: fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException issue (c240246)

Build System

  • $Consul: update the name of MySQL data source (6af11bd)
  • $Maven: support parallel JUnit 5 tests (1b0a3e8)
  • $MySQL: migrate single table to sharding table (0d7ddd6)


  • $Enum: abstract common methods for enum (c8305fb)
  • $JaCoCo: integrate JaCoCo for code coverage report (92d6297)
  • $Kotlin: support Kotlin 1.6.10 with Java 17 (d363c5c)
  • $POM: import MapStruct@1.4.2.Final as global dependency (6e5121a)
  • $Redis: create the demo for Redis distributed lock (74c54b3)
  • $Redis: integrate with Redis distributed lock for concurrency control (85bf9bc)
  • $Redis: switch back to Redis standalone mode (2e0ce94)
  • $ShardingSphere: fully support ShardingSphere for better database capacity (8afa4a8)
  • $ShardingSphere: support read-write load balancer for database (3ef9765)
  • $Sleuth: record trance ID and span ID in logs (a3f4811)
  • $Slf4j: support functional lazy debug (4887857)
  • $starter: remove the usage of BeanUtil (3e2872e)
  • $starter: support dynamic autoconfiguration for Redis lock (f03a337)
  • $Zipkin: support trackable HTTP response (ee8dab4)

Performance Improvements

  • $auth-center: create fallback for remote API (c445d6f)
  • $DDD: decouple and aggregate permission (87845e7)
  • $Hikari: set Hikari CP as default connection pool (7fdce5a)
  • $Java: upgrade Java (Temurin) to 17.0.2+8 (0b5a979)
  • $JDK: migrate AdoptOpenJDK to the Eclipse Adoptium Temurin™ (fb14be5)
  • $MinIO: update MinIO dependency version to 8.3.7 (d77c2a2)
  • $MySQL: unify database style (67c8967)
  • $POM: update dependencies to latest version (4fe767b)
  • $POM: upgrade dependencies (ea13e27)
  • $POM: upgrade dependencies (e0fc588)
  • $POM: upgrade dependencies to latest release (617e06f)
  • $POM: upgrade ShardingSphere@5.1.1 (25ee8be)
  • $POM: upgrade Spring Boot 2.6.3 and Spring Cloud 2021.0.1 (c1a57db)
  • $ShardingSphere: integrate with ShardingSphere (5ba4a42)
  • $ShardingSphere: support table sharding strategy (aef374b)
  • $starter: integrate with spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch (0f4dff5)
  • upgrade infrastructures version to latest release (cfddf94)


  • $auth-center: create unit tests for auth-center-biz (a7519c7)


  • $Kotlin: support Kotlin 1.6.10 with Java 17
  • $Java: upgrade Java (Temurin) to 17.0.2+8
  • $JaCoCo: integrate JaCoCo for code coverage report; refine global Maven dependencies
  • $Maven: support parallel JUnit 5 tests
  • $auth-center: use Mockito for unit test; create unit tests for auth-center-biz
  • $Consul: use source/replica terms for MySQL clusters, instead of master/slave

[skip ci]

  • $ShardingSphere: fully support ShardingSphere for better database capacity
  • $MySQL: migrate single table to sharding table

[skip ci]

  • $ShardingSphere: remove dependency dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter

[skip ci]

  • $Zipkin: support trackable HTTP response
  • $Hikari: removed Alibaba Druid
  • $Sleuth: support trace ID and span ID in logs
  • $Redis: integrate with Redis distributed lock for concurrency control
  • $starter: ban using any packages of BeanUtil; the package name of MyBatis mappers has changed to repository

Release Version (2022-02-0)

04 Feb 13:18
Choose a tag to compare (2022-02-04)

Bug Fixes

  • $ELK: correct Elasticsearch index (0a0df36)

Release Version 0.0.8 (2022-02-04)

04 Feb 12:17
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0.0.8 (2022-02-04)

Performance Improvements

  • $api-gateway: DDD modularized microservice (ee45dab)
  • $auth-center: DDD modularized microservice (f883d81)
  • $Consul: move more common configurations to application config (c207cc5)
  • $Consul: reduce duplicate application configuration YAML files (a9c3237)
  • $Consul: update Consul to 1.11.2 (92abee4)
  • $ELK: update version to 7.17.0 (6cfafd4)
  • $Logback: universal logback configuration in starter (91c0fe5)
  • $maf-mis: DDD modularized microservice (4a827f4)
  • $OpenAPI: disable OpenAPI in stage and production (b03377d)
  • $OpenFeign: add support for Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker Resilience4J (9568372)
  • $oss-center: DDD modularized microservice (3f1b72b)
  • $POM: remove deprecated dependency spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap (772cfbb)
  • $reactive-starter: remove deprecated dependency spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap (ba5d823)
  • $spring-boot-admin: DDD modularized microservice (f30a420)


  • $reactive-starter: spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap has been removed
  • $Logback: delete customized field applicationName

Release version 0.0.7 (2022-02-02)

04 Feb 12:07
Choose a tag to compare

0.0.7 (2022-02-02)

Build System

  • $Bash: support log to files (8e876cf)


  • $OpenAPI: integrate with OpenAPI 3 and Swagger (f94ac9b)
  • $OpenFeign: create an aspect for Feign log (0808500)
  • $Pagination: create functional pagination response composer (6d4dbbb)
  • $𝛌: support predicator's retryFunction (b1c4a06)

Performance Improvements

  • $POM: update dependencies (fd29a5e)
  • $POM: update dependencies (c8f6817)
  • $SpringBoot: update Spring Boot and Spring Cloud (3ac4ad9)


  • $Startup: each application should have construction method (57d3fe3)


  • $Bash: support log to files


02 Oct 12:52
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0.0.6 (2021-10-02)

Bug Fixes

  • $MBP: change datasource name back to master-slave form (aeb6b02)


  • $Java: embrace Java functional interface and Lambda (d3c55c3)
  • $oss-center: add new API for resource response (29b3e75)
  • $Quartz: api for creating Quartz configuration (0f4f5aa)
  • $Quartz: api for updating Quartz job (19b94ec)
  • $Quartz: delete job by scheduler (630cc62)
  • $Quartz: patch Quartz configuration by Java reflection (099d109)
  • $Quartz: provide Quartz job maintenance (9beb7c2)
  • $Quartz: run Quartz job immediately (bb2ae84)
  • $Quartz: support batch import (ab23e03)
  • $Quartz: support Quartz dynamic job configuration (dd87756)
  • $RabbitMQ: support RabbitMQ delayed messaging (51b5f2b)
  • $λ: add functionaljava@4.8.1 dependencies and its tests (554406c)
  • $𝛌: support all true check function requireAllTrue (394af7a)

Performance Improvements

  • $auth-center: remove Minio dependency (8ef1a25)
  • $Cache: support Guava cache for cacheFunction (7497cdb)
  • $Docker: update software versions (2f4fae4)
  • $Excel: keep field order by HashMap -> LinkedHashMap (b7ee607)
  • $JVM: enable JVM GC log (0b8147b)
  • $Logback: simplify CONSOLE log format (e6bf0e6)
  • $Logback: use async appender for logging (4b40ac2)
  • $MyBatisPlus: refine dynamic database connection pool (0a49320)
  • $MyBatisPlus: update MyBatis-Plus version to (95af9e0)
  • $MySQL: upgrade MySQL version to 8.0.26; change master-slave phrase (92f932a)
  • $POM: downgrade Minio due to OkHttp (ebb26ce)
  • $POM: update dependencies (8e0d6e4)
  • $POM: update MyBatis Plus version to (e0c08b7), closes /
  • $POM: update Spring Cloud version to 2020.0.4 (2fd8e6f)
  • $POM: upgrade dependencies (bb20ab6)
  • $POM: upgrade hutool@5.7.13 (823d9ef)
  • $Quartz: customize Quartz thread pool by CPU core count (601c4f1)
  • $Quartz: package private (dfa2e3d)
  • $Quartz: value constraints for enums (aeaef0c)
  • $RabbitMQ: set concurrent RabbitMQ listener (6654cec)
  • $RabbitMQ: upgrade RabbitMQ version to 3.9.5-management-alpine (19e608c)
  • $starter: beanify ResponseUtil (7e4e7be)
  • $starter: configure Jackson (0b33af7)
  • $starter: don't wrap int value (8442f49)
  • $starter: inject ObjectMapper instead of creating one (8bdf5ab)
  • $Starter: abstract JWT configuration (6dc91ae)
  • $Starter: destroy SpringBootStartupHelper after it finishes work (5e4f58f)
  • $Starter: reduce operating Minio directly (6473942)
  • $Starter: support WebClient load balancer (19dea14)
  • $Thread: enhance thread pool size (8a35ceb)


  • $GitHub: fallback JDK setup (2eb80fb)


  • $Java: Add more functions to simplify boilerplate code; give Java function superpower 🔥

[skip ci]

  • $Quartz: reduce lots of Quartz job and trigger boilerplate codes
  • $Starter: refine SpringBootStartupHelper logs
  • $MyBatisPlus: unregister bean after processing Druid connection pool


26 Aug 03:54
Choose a tag to compare

0.0.5 (2021-08-26)


  • $auth-center: download and export role info (b6640ce)
  • $auth-center: import role data from Excel (3468082)

Performance Improvements

  • $api-gateway: parse user's ID from JWT (a70434f)
  • $Druid: dynamic connection pool size (ea37259)
  • $Druid: set connection pool size equal to 2*processors (a654323)
  • $OSS: transform IO by NIO (bce0cf4)
  • $starter: refine Excel data abstract class (9d5de27)
  • $starter: simplify (651615c)


  • $Druid: set connection pool size equal to 2*processors
  • $Druid: dynamic connection pool size, set by CPU core count


18 Aug 09:12
Choose a tag to compare

0.0.4 (2021-08-18)


  • $OSS: get information of an object (3663f06)
  • $OSS: new API to merge resource chunk (74e56d5)
  • $OSS: new API to upload resource chunk (314b713)
  • $OSS: remove merged chunk (10c65f5)
  • $UI: add large file upload demo page (8d51be4)

Performance Improvements

  • $OSS: enhance file merge process by detecting content type (47ad2d4)
  • $OSS: reduce data chunk size (5498716)
  • $OSS: refine process of uploading chunk (b3c2529)


12 Aug 04:24
Choose a tag to compare

0.0.3 (2021-08-12)


  • $OSS: support download esource (131d49f)
  • $POM: integrate Alibaba p3c-pmd (896fb2e)

Performance Improvements

  • $Async: configure async thread pool for request (64d7776)
  • $i18n: update multi lingual message for uploading resources (053fc0e)
  • $Minio: correct Minio properties (1dd7929)
  • $MyBatisPlus: add Quartz transaction manager (a0ea964)
  • $MyBatisPlus: data source loading improvements (254674b)
  • $OSS: fully support async stream and download resources (decb5a1)
  • $OSS: support async stream (f413484)
  • $OSS: support streaming partial content (beaa80d)
  • $POM: refine dependency scope (e36092b)
  • $POM: refine dependency scope for reactive starter (ac8222e)
  • $POM: update dependencies (5ab6190)
  • $POM: update Hutool version to 5.7.7 (adcc201)
  • $Redis: support Redis master-slave replication (d414b02)
  • $Redis: update version 6.2.5-alpine (560fb9b)


  • $OSS: fully support async stream and download resources
  • $Async: configure async thread pool for request
  • $OSS: support async stream
  • $OSS: support streaming partial content(HTTP 206)
  • $POM: code quality analyzer with Alibaba p3c-pmd


16 Jul 17:54
Choose a tag to compare

0.0.2 (2021-07-16)

Bug Fixes

  • $auth-center: read nested JSON object as Java
    object (af101b2)
  • $MyBatis: correct interceptors
    order (3647951)
  • $POM: add test
    dependency (401587d)

Build System

  • $OpenJDK: update Adopt OpenJDK version to
    x86_64-alpine-jre-11.0.10_9 (84d737a)
  • $Redis: update redis.conf for redis
    6.0.10 (e522c12)

Code Refactoring

  • $Docker: abstract Docker environment variables and common
    constants (8cc6a36)
  • $muscle-and-fitness-server: enhance validation - @notempty ->
    @notblank (b4150f1)
  • $service-registry: remove
    module service-registry (61bc7cb)
  • $Starter: rename spring-boot
    to spring-cloud (2529e45)


  • $api-gateway: set HTTP header "
    X-Username" (d83fe38)
  • $api-gateway: support request rate
    limit (c0dc896)
  • $APIGateway: add global exception
    handler (7bb6ffa)
  • $AuthCenter: access other service by
    RestTemplate (f8df08c)
  • $AuthCenter: add API for getting service
    info (c0b00f3)
  • $AuthCenter: add logout
    API (66c6717)
  • $AuthCenter: enable Redis
    cache (6c14c7b)
  • $AuthCenter: expose login
    API (fe3f211)
  • $AuthCenter: get services
    info (97aadce)
  • $AuthCenter: support admin
    authorization (6e87a2e)
  • $Authorization: enhance authorization flow - check HTTP
    method (01a50de)
  • $Consul: enable Consul config
    center (9887360)
  • $Consul: support Consul; abandon Netflix
    Eureka (abc1cf8)
  • $ELK: integrate ELK
    stack (a42e87a)
  • $Excel: add abstract excel import
    class (901edbd)
  • $gateway: complete authentication
    flow (b0a91e0)
  • $gateway: integrate Spring
    Security (f092c6b)
  • $gateway: make Swagger and Spring Security work
    together (c2c4721)
  • $Gateway: add reactive openfeign
    support (f0b7567)
  • $Gateway: add reactive Redis
    support (2307c71)
  • $Gateway: implement non-block
    authorization (b94944d)
  • $Gateway: support ignored URL for WebFlux
    security (efb83ad)
  • $Jackson: add DateTime
    serializer (69548c4)
  • $Java: handle LocalDateTime, LocalDate and
    LocalTime (778e152)
  • $Minio: upload resource to
    Minio (3dc2dc0)
  • $MinIO: integrate
    MinIO (4db17c0)
  • $Pagination: abstract page response
    bean (28928b8)
  • $Quartz: add greeting Quartz
    job (7993f40)
  • $Quartz: integrate
    spring-boot-starter-quartz (5a6d71d)
  • $RabbitMQ: add RabbitMQ Docker
    container (414880d)
  • $Starter: abstract startup
    analysis (0802aa2)
  • $Starter: add (629e066)
  • $Starter: integrate
    RabbitMQ (9022f77)
  • $Starter: intercept SQL
    exceptions (9f5a16f)
  • $Starter: provide exposing HTTP
    resources (4f2ebdc)
  • $Starter: support generating recursive
    tree (624e5ab)
  • $static-resource-center: get resource from
    Minio (da01f3c)
  • $static-resource-center: support partial
    response (7ddf6a9)
  • $STOMP: support STOMP over
    WebSocket (be76707)
  • $Validation: support Date and LocalDateTime range
    validation (f9898be)
  • $Validation: support date time range value
    validation (96c8b83)
  • $Validation: support enum value
    validation (0951f97)

Performance Improvements

  • $api-gateway: refine exception
    handling (b5e1340)
  • $api-gateway: refine slf4j
    Logger (af590f5)
  • $ApiGateway: capture
    FeignException (c9cdee4)
  • $auth-center: cache role info by user
    id (e9d935b)
  • $auth-center: cache user info by login
    token (2bc9115)
  • $auth-center: reduce injected
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