This is a GPT-2 (345M) model that was trained on a corpus of Seinfeld scripts I scraped from I don't know if I have the right to use it, and consequently, I don't know if you have the rights to use this. Hence, I won't add this corpus here, only the model.
I used the gpt-2-simple package to download and re-train the model. You can do the same by following the details in these google colab notebooks:
- 01_get-seinfeld-corpus
- 02_Train-a-GPT-2-Text-Generating-Model-w-GPU.ipynb - this is straight up copied from gpt-2-simple. Good work, @minimaxir!.
The model accepts a text input, which it sets as the context for the seinfeld dialogue to be generated in.
No rights ever held 2019, @jonathanronen