Core for all social media related functionality for Spree. The Spree Social gem handles authorization, account creation and association through social media sources such as Twitter and Facebook. This requires the edge source of Spree. This gem is beta at best and should be treated as such. Features and code base will change rapidly as this is under active development. Use with caution.
Add this extension to your Gemfile
gem 'spree_social', github: 'spree/spree_social', branch: 'master'
Then run:
$ bundle update
$ rails g spree_social:install
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
Preference(optional): By default url will be '/users/auth/:provider'. If you wish to modify the url to: '/member/auth/:provider', '/profile/auth/:provider', or '/auth/:provider' then you can do this accordingly in your config/initializers/spree.rb file as described below -
Spree::SocialConfig[:path_prefix] = 'member' # for /member/auth/:provider
Spree::SocialConfig[:path_prefix] = 'profile' # for /profile/auth/:provider
Spree::SocialConfig[:path_prefix] = '' # for /auth/:provider
Login as an admin user and navigate to Configuration > Social Authentication Methods
Click on the New Authentication Method button to enter the key obtained from their respective source (See below for instructions on setting up the various providers)
Multiple key entries can now be entered based on the rails environment. This allows for portability and the lack of need to check in your key to your repository. You also have the ability to enable and disable sources. These setting will be reflected on the client UI as well.
Alternatively you can ship keys as environment variables and create these Authentication Method records on application boot via an initializer. Below is an example for facebook.
# Ensure our environment is bootstrapped with a facebook connect app
if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists? 'spree_authentication_methods'
Spree::AuthenticationMethod.where(environment: Rails.env, provider: 'facebook').first_or_create do |auth_method|
auth_method.api_key = ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID']
auth_method.api_secret = ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET'] = true
You MUST restart your application after configuring or updating an authentication method.
OAuth Applications @ Facebook, Twitter and / or Github are supported out of the box but you will need to setup applications are each respective site as follows for public use and for development.
All URLs must be in the form of domain.tld you may add a port as well for development
- Name the app what you will and agree to the terms.
- Fill out the capcha
- Under the Web Site tab
- Site URL: http://your_computer.local:3000 for development / for production
- Site domain: your-computer.local / respectively
Twitter / Application Management / Create an application
- Name and Description must be filled in with something
- Application Website: http://your_computer.local:3000 for development / for production
- Application Type: Browser
- Callback URL: http://your_computer.local:3000 for development / for production
- Default Access Type: Read & Write
- Save Application
Github / Applications / Register a new OAuth application
- Name The Application
- Main URL: http://your_computer.local:3000 for development / for production
- Callback URL: http://your_computer.local:3000 for development / for production
- Click Create
This does not seem to be a listed Github item right now. To View and / or edit your applications goto
- Google (OAuth)
In the spirit of free software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project.
Here are some ways you can contribute:
- by using prerelease versions
- by reporting bugs
- by suggesting new features
- by writing translations
- by writing or editing documentation
- by writing specifications
- by writing code (no patch is too small: fix typos, add comments, clean up inconsistent whitespace)
- by refactoring code
- by resolving issues
- by reviewing patches
Starting point:
- Fork the repo
- Clone your repo
- Run
bundle install
- Run
bundle exec rake test_app
to create the test application inspec/test_app
- Make your changes
- Ensure specs pass by running
bundle exec rspec spec
- Submit your pull request
Copyright (c) 2014 John Dyer and contributors, released under the New BSD License