Repository to store some of my code. Most projects are for academic pourposes, but you'll also find personal studies or projects. The most important directories are listed below:
One of my favourites. It stores from a machine learning snake ai game project to a 3d rendering engine. There's also some work with OpenGL.
3D Rendering engine using only SDL2. It's located at cpp/sdl2/3drendering
. You can compile it with make points_to_line
and run with ./bin/points_to_line
. It's still a work in progess and for now there's not really much to do yet, but it's still fun to play with the geometric transformation.
One of the largets of them. It stores everything from university exercices and lists such as /icc1
and /lab-icc1
, my personal codeforces solution sets, to personal projects and studies, often on the /study
and /thrown
You can find this donut on the c/study/render/donut.c
. To run it, you can compile it with lm
flag for the math.h
lib, eg: gcc donut.c -lm
. Note: It doesn't work on windows.
Set to store data from the discipline SSC0103 - Programação Orientada a Objetos, which includes the fundamentals of OOP programming in Java and Python 3.
Stores all files for the Codelab classes and exercices.