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Metajob- Job Board App with Nextjs & Strapi


Get the production license from Metajob- Job Board App with Nextjs & Strapi

Getting Started:

Here’s the complete documentation in markdown format for easy copying and pasting:


Before starting, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js (v20 or higher)
  • PostgreSQL (Ensure PostgreSQL is running and accessible)
  • pnpm (Recommended for managing dependencies)

To install pnpm, you can run the following command:

npm install -g pnpm

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Fork the Repository

    1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  1. Open the project in your preferred code editor (e.g., VS Code)

Step 2: Configure Environment Variables

  1. Inside both apps/backend and apps/site, you will find .env.example files.

  2. Rename these files to .env:

    • apps/backend/.env.exampleapps/backend/.env
    • apps/site/.env.exampleapps/site/.env
  3. Update the environment variables with your specific configuration. Ensure you provide the correct values for PostgreSQL and other necessary services.

    Example .env file structure:

  4. Ensure your PostgreSQL database is set up and running before proceeding.

export LICENSE_TOKEN='You will recive license on confirmation email'

Step 3: Install Dependencies

From the root of your project directory, run the following command to install all dependencies:

pnpm install

Step 4: Run the Backend

  1. Navigate to the root directory and run the backend using the following command:
    pnpm -F @padma/backend dev
  2. Strapi backend will now be running at http://localhost:1337.

Step 5: Run the Frontend

  1. In a new terminal, run the frontend application:
    pnpm -F @padma/frontend dev
  2. Next.js frontend will be running at http://localhost:3000.

How to Customize

To be added later.

How to Deploy

To be added later.

Tech Stack:

  • Backend: Powered by a headless Strapi CMS with PostgreSQL as the database. Learn more about Strapi.

  • Frontend: Built with Next.js for fast rendering and MUI for a modern, responsive user interface.

Core Structure:

  • apps/backend:
    └── The backend is built with Strapi, providing APIs to power the frontend.

  • apps/site:
    └── This is the frontend of the project, built using Next.js and MUI.

  • apps/packages:
    └── Contains reusable components, such as themes.

    • @padma/metajob-ui:
      └── This package includes the theme for the job listing solution.