The goal of this project is to provide dedicated shopping and wishlists for registered nextcloud users in a quick and easy way.
A private delayed shopping list for items, you don't need right now or my want to spend some time to think about, e.g. if you really want to spend the money on them. A public wishlist to make the life easy for friends and family just around your birthday or the holydays. Projects related shopping lists, that serve to collect all needed items before the final purchase Or maybe a list of cool items you don't have the money for at the moment.
Other than using notes, tasks or other existing nextcloud projects for this purpose, this app should include features like:
- sharing lists with other registered users (e.g. as a collaborative shopping list for a move)
- publishing lists and list items for non registered users. (e.g. as a wishlist)
- a "pick as gift" function for non registered users. (to temporary hide or mark wishlist items as "as gift selected" to avoid duplicate gifts)
- a simple method to add list items by only prividing webshop links with:
- automatic parsing of product details like price, image, description, availability, ... (where possible)
- periodic check of reachability/ availability of list items
- integration of well known shops like Amazon, Etsy, ... (for e.g. price tracking, availability notification, ...)
- a dedicated Android app to be able to add list items by sharing links from a browser
If you would like to contribute, there are ample oppertunities to do so.
you found a bug?
there is a feature missing?
you have an idea to improve the user experience? --> open an issue
you can code --> fork this project and code away, but please don't forget to issue a pull request
Thanks a lot, I realy appreciate the help.
Place this app in nextcloud/apps/
The app can be built by using the provided Makefile by running:
This requires the following things to be present:
- make
- which
- tar: for building the archive
- curl: used if phpunit and composer are not installed to fetch them from the web
- npm: for building and testing everything JS, only required if a package.json is placed inside the js/ folder
The make command will install or update Composer dependencies if a composer.json is present and also npm run build if a package.json is present in the js/ folder. The npm build script should use local paths for build systems and package managers, so people that simply want to build the app won't need to install npm libraries globally, e.g.:
"scripts": {
"test": "node node_modules/gulp-cli/bin/gulp.js karma",
"prebuild": "npm install && node_modules/bower/bin/bower install && node_modules/bower/bin/bower update",
"build": "node node_modules/gulp-cli/bin/gulp.js"
First get an account for the App Store then run:
make && make appstore
The archive is located in build/artifacts/appstore and can then be uploaded to the App Store.
You can use the provided Makefile to run all tests by using:
make test
This will run the PHP unit and integration tests and if a package.json is present in the js/ folder will execute npm run test
Of course you can also install PHPUnit and use the configurations directly:
phpunit -c phpunit.xml
phpunit -c phpunit.integration.xml
for integration tests