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A simple cosmic ray simulation tool

More details

Only muons are implemented at the moment, but implementation of other particles is possible, if needed.
The tool is precisely described in the presentation


A few classes of CERN's ROOT framework is used. See the ROOT website.


CuboidGenerator.cpp - generates particles and saving in ROOT tree.
FluxAnalyzer.cpp - takes generated particles as an input and creates some histograms needed for simple quality check.
TrackAnalyzer.cpp - takes generated particles as an input and performs analysis of tracks regarding defined detector geometry.

classes directory contains classes .h and .cpp files
flux_config directory contains histograms that define muon flux

test directory contains very simple tests for classes. I know these tests are not very professional, but it's better than nothing anyway ;)
presentation directory contains Latex presentation (code, images and pdf output)

How to compile

Bash scripts for all components and tests are provided. Remember to source your before compilation.

You may run one of the scripts to compile a single module or test, or:

  • to compile all components at once, run
  • to compile all tests at once, enter test directory and run


MIT. Full text here.