Xputer is developed for research purposes only. The application has been tested using small datasets. Although it performed well, it does not guarantee true imputations. The application has no guarantee and must be used with the user's responsibility.
We recommend using the Anaconda environment (install a recent copy of Anaconda from https://www.anaconda.com). Run Anaconda Powershell Prompt and use "pip install xputer" for installation.
To run the application GUI install with "pip install xputer[gui] and to run use "python -m xputer".
Jupyter Notebook script from xputer import xgui xgui()
To incorporate a pipeline: from xputer import Xpute
data = A pandas data frame (sample name as index and features as headers).
imputed_data = Xpute().fit(data)
from xputer import xpute imputed_data = xpute(data)
On Windows: python setup.py install
On Linux: sudo python setup.py install
On Mac OS X: sudo python ./setup.py install