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Setting up:

* Install perl modules
* Check out git submodule

Perl Dependencies:


Non-perl Dependencies:

This tool currently builds KiCad 6.0 projects. That's not strictly necessary. If you need us to back down to 5.1, please say so.

There's a git submodule of 'kicad', which includes the keyboardio kicad footprints. Pull requests over there are welcome.


perl --usb=c --project=104-key --layout=kle-layouts/104.json 
cd 104-key


It currently generates schematics and layouts assuming a ATMega32U4. The schematic has sheets for three different ways to wire things up: components-on-pcb, teensy 2.0++, arduino-micro.
I know the pro micro is more popular in Japan and I'm happy to have that added as an option.
It'd just need another schematic sheet in the template project and a footprint for adding it to the pcb.
led support is a boolean option. Right now, LEDs are designed as dumb rgb pixels + an issi controller.
the logic parts of the PCB don't get placed or connected to the switch and led matrix automatically. That's a much harder wiring problem.
Instead, I hand-drew layouts for those and place them off the side of the PCB for you to drag into place and wire up.
I have produced two PCBs based on earlier versions of this tool with some manual rework. They did -work-. But results are not guaranteed.
