WALL-E is a self-hosted Carousell scraper that provides an intuitive Telegram interface via the Telegram Bot API.
WALL-E is easily deployed via Docker Compose either on your local machine or on Heroku for free. Configurations such as the polling frequency can be tweaked by modifying the Python source code.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- An available Telegram Bot
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/kokseen1/wall-e.git
cd wall-e
Create a .env
touch .env
Set environment variables by adding the following lines in .env
BOT_TOKEN=<Telegram bot token>
Build and start the containers
sudo docker-compose up
Login to Heroku
heroku login
Create a Heroku app and add the Git remote
heroku create -a <Heroku app name>
heroku git:remote -a <Heroku app name>
Set the stack of your app to container
heroku stack:set container
Add the Heroku postgresql
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Set environment variables
heroku config:set HEROKU_URL=https://<Heroku app name>.herokuapp.com/
heroku config:set BOT_TOKEN=<Telegram bot token>
heroku config:set POSTGRES_NAME=postgres
heroku config:set POSTGRES_USER=postgres
heroku config:set POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
Connect to the database via psql
heroku pg:psql
Create tables
item_id VARCHAR ( 255 ) NOT NULL,
chat_id VARCHAR ( 255 ) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE queries (
query_text VARCHAR ( 255 ) NOT NULL,
chat_id VARCHAR ( 255 ) NOT NULL
Exit from psql
Push to Heroku
git push heroku main
Keep the application awake via a service like Kaffeine
Add query
/add <query>
Remove query
/rm <query>
List queries
Fetch queries