The solution includes 3 entities - Packs, Wolves and their relation WolfPacks.
They are managed and stored in a inmemory database. Such is used instead of sqlserver for demonstrative purposes.
It is assumed that wolves are identified by ids. Attributes are the name saved as a string, gender saved as an int (by ISO standart), birthdate as a datetime and location of a Wolf is represent by a PointF structure - the x coordinate representing latitude and the y representing longitude. The packs are identified by names. The relation wolfpacks has an id, a packname and a wolfname, representing a many to many relationship between Wolf and Pack.
All tests of the endpoints are conducted with Postman with SSL verification turned off.
POST: api/Wolves - adds a Wolf object to the Wolves table
sample request body:
"name": "Konstantin",
"gender": 1,
"location": {"x":51.449409,"y":5.494774}
GET: api/Wolves - returns all added wolves and their basic information
GET: api/Wolves/id - returns wolf by id with detailed information
PUT: api/Wolves/id - updates a wolf by id
DELETE: api/Wolves/id - deletes a wolf by id. If the wolf was part of a pack - it is deleted from the pack. If it was the last wolf of the pack - the pack is deleted as well.
GET: api/Wolves/id/location - returns the location of a wolf by id
PATCH: api/Wolves/id/location - updates the location of a wolf by id
sample request body:
POST: api/WolfPacks - adds a relation between wolf and a pack. If it is a new pack - it adds it to the packs table.
sample request body:
GET: api/WolfPacks - returns packs with their respective wolves.
GET: api/WolfPacks/packname - returns the wolves in a pack by packname
GET: api/WolfPacks/packname/id - returns information about a wolf by id in a pack by packname
DELETE: api/WolfPacks/packname - deletes a pack by packname. Deletes all relations with the pack and the wolves and deletes the pack from table packs.
DELETE: api/WolfPacks/packname/id - deletes a wolf by id from a pack by packname. If it was the last wolf, it deletes the pack.
GET: api/Packs - returns a list of packs
GET: api/Packs/packname - returns the name of one pack by packname
DELETE: api/Packs/packname - deletes a pack by packname. All relations of wolves with the pack are also deleted.