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Proxy server for triton gRPC server that inferences embedding model in Rust


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Proxy server for triton gRPC server that inferences embedding model in Rust.

  • it refines the request and response formats of the Triton server.
  • without tritonclient dependency.
  • fast & easy to use.


1. Convert the embedding model to onnx

  • BAAI/bge-m3 is used for an example.
  • It'll convert Pytorch into onnx model with the cls pooling + l2 normalization layers, and save it to ./model_repository/embedding/1/model.onnx.
    • if you don't want to add the pooling + l2 normalization layers, then need to change the config.pbtxt properly.
  • Currently, max_batch_size is limited to 256 due to OOM. You can change this value to fit your environment.

2. Run docker-compose

  • I'll run both Triton inference server and the proxy server.
  • You need to edit the absolute path of the volume (where pointed to the ./model_repository) in docker-compose.yml.
make run-docker-compose

Build & run a proxy server only

  • You can also build and run a triton proxy server with the below command.
export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"
make server
make build-docker

Build & run triton inference server only

docker run --gpus all --rm --ipc=host --shm-size=8g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 -p8000:8000 -p8001:8001 -p8002:8002 -v$(pwd)triton-grpc-proxy-rs/model_repository:/models bash -c "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu/${LD_PRELOAD} && pip install transformers tokenizers && tritonserver --model-repository=/models"


  1. recieve request(s) from the user.
    • list of text (String) in this case.
  2. request the Triton gRPC server to get embeddings.
  3. post-process (cast and reshape) the embeddings and returns to the users.

API Specs

  • Swagger : http://localhost:8080/explorer/


  • parse configuration from the env variables.

  • SERVER_PORT: proxy server port. default 8080.

  • TRITON_SERVER_URL: triton inference gRPC server url. default http://triton-server.

  • TRITON_SERVER_GRPC_PORT: triton inference gRPC server port. default 8001.

  • MODEL_VERSION: model version. default 1.

  • MODEL_NAME: model name. default model.

  • INPUT_NAME: input name. default text.

  • OUTPUT_NAME: output name. default embedding.

  • EMBEDDING_SIZE: size of the embedding. default 1024.


  • GET /health
curl -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 2
date: Sun, 08 Oct 2023 06:33:53 GMT



get prometheus metrics

  • GET /metrics
curl -i


  • POST /v1/embedding
  • Request Body : [{'query': 'input'}, ... ]
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST -d "[{\"query\": \"asdf\"}, {\"query\": \"asdf asdf\"}, {\"query\": \"asdf asdf asdf\"}, {\"query\": \"asdf asdf asdf asdf\"}]"
  • Response Body : [{'embedding': '1024 f32 vector'}, ...]
[{"embedding": [-0.8067292,-0.004603,-0.24123234,0.59398544,-0.5583446,...]}, ...]


  • Environment
    • CPU : i7-7700K (not overclocked)
    • GPU : GTX 1060 6 GB
    • Rust : v1.79.0 stable
    • Triton Server : 24-07-py3
      • backend : onnxruntime-gpu
      • allocator : tcmalloc
    • model : BAAI/bge-m3 w/ fp32
  • payload : [{'query': 'asdf' * 126}] * batch_size (asdf * 126 == 255 tokens)
  • stages
    • model : only triton gRPC server latency (preprocess + tokenize + model)
    • processing : end-to-end latency (service-side)
      • json de/serialization
      • payload serialization (byte string, float vector)
      • cast & reshape 2d vectors
batch size model (p90) processing (p90)
8 1428.20 ms 0.044 ms
16 2915.01 ms 0.051 ms
32 5626.15 ms 0.055 ms


  • optimize the processing performance and memory usage
  • support /metrics endpoint to get prometheus metrics
  • OpenAPI specifications and Swagger UI
  • add Dockerfile and docker-compose to easily deploy the servers
  • triton inference server
    • add model converter script.
    • configurations
  • move hard-coded configs to env
  • optimize the proxy server performance
  • move tokenizer part from triton server into proxy-server

