This release adds a laundry list of features, mostly style and plotting options. The important style classes KPlot and KLegend can now be used in a standalone manner, to create publication-level plots in any macro.
KPlot features:
- can be initialized from a pre-built histogram
- most text and sizes are configurable via input options
- can add dotted cut lines on a given histo (in x or y), specified via input options
KLegend features:
- can place a legend in a specified quadrant of the plot, without any smart resizing of the y axis
- multiple lines of extra text at the top of the legend
- sets can have their own extra_text that goes under their name in the legend
- multiple panels now allowed: entries must either be assigned panels, or can be auto-balanced between the specified number of panels
plotting options:
- ROC curve option: for each defined histo, plot efficiency (sig vs. bkg); lists of sig and bkg provided in input options
- (sets calculate their own efficiencies for each requested histo and cache the results)
- Profile option: doesn't work with stacks or data-driven bkg reweighting
Various parts of KPlot, KLegend, and KPlotManager have been streamlined, and the condor submission scripts for skimming have been updated.
This is (provisionally) the last release that supports the LQ2012 (third-generation leptoquark) analysis. Future releases will support the SUSY2015 (RA2/b hadronic SUSY) analysis.