This Github workspace covers Shiyu's documentation and materials of ERIAN
- Autoware.pdf
- Commands_in_Linux.pdf
- Image_Labeling.pdf
- Rosbag_with_ImageLabel.pdf
- Rosbridge.pdf
- Rosdep_Debugging.pdf
- RosMaster__Slave.pdf
- Ros_in_Windows.pdf
- ROS_Overall.pdf
There are three designs for FMU:
FMU design 1 : Install autoware in Linux and connect Window ROS with it through Master & Slave
FMU design 2 : Build Buggy code in Windows
FMU design 3 : Implement bus algorithm in Matlab Simulink Model then generate FMU using Fmi.LAB (AVL)
- FMU_design1&2.pdf
- FMU_design3.pdf
- FMU_report1.pdf
- FMU_report2.pdf
- FMU_report3.pdf
- AVL_ModelCONNECT.pdf (Personal learning Notes for ModelConncet based on Alex's video)
- FMI_for_ModelExchange_and_CoSimulation_v2.0.pdf (Reading material for FMU 2.O)
- CoordinationTransformation.fmu (Sample FMU for co-simulation) *Can use FMPy GUI to check FMU's configuration
- add_client.fmu (Sample FMU for add_two_ints example)
- Rectifier.fmu (Sample FMU of online example)
- Traning_Notes.pdf (Traning notes for two-days training)
- Traning_Steps.pptx (Traning step-by-step details)
- modelConnect_matrix.xlsx (Matrix relations of VTD,VSM and FMU)
- moduleManager.xml (Sensor example stored in VTD)
- NTU_2 (waypoint).xml (Scenarios example stored in VTD)
- beginner_tutorial (add_two_ints example)
- mapping (mapping function)