HN Search based on profile description.
Optimized for easiness to code in 3 hours. Currently slow and suboptimal (see "Will Not Do" section).
- Extract stemmed keywords
- Query HN Algolia
- Apply CrossEncoder to (description, comments / titles) to get score
pip install aiohttp flask[async] transformers sentence-transformers nltk
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords punkt
I am a theoretical biologist, interested in disease ecology. My tools are R, clojure , compartmentalism disease modeling, and statistical GAM models, using a variety of data layers (geophysical, reconstructions, climate, biodiversity, land use). Besides that I am interested in tech applied to the a subset of the current problems of the world (agriculture / biodiversity / conservation / forecasting), development of third world countries and AI, large language models.
HN search API finds literal strings, doesn't appear to be fuzzy at all, description has things like "compartmentalism disease modeling", while an article about a "compartmentalized disease model" would be relevant.
Quick and easy solution is stemming / stopword removal to get query keywords for Algolia API.
['theoret', 'biologist', 'interest', 'diseas', 'ecolog', 'tool', 'r', 'clojur', 'compartment', 'diseas', 'model', 'statist', 'gam', 'model', 'use', 'varieti', 'data', 'layer', 'geophys', 'reconstruct', 'climat', 'biodivers', 'land', 'use', 'besid', 'interest', 'tech', 'appli', 'subset', 'current', 'problem', 'world', 'agricultur', 'biodivers', 'conserv', 'forecast', 'develop', 'third', 'world', 'countri', 'ai', 'larg', 'languag', 'model']
In my experience cross-encoders are more accurate than bi-encoders. They work when you have a smaller corpus, but don't scale as well as ANN. I will use SentencePiece CrossEncoder for re-ranking. It'd be nice to have a bi-encoder for initial filtering, but out of scope for a 3 hour project.
Return the ranked titles, comments, and respective scores. Serve via Flask.
Out of scope due to 3 hour time constraint, but would improve result quality:
- A variety of heuristics including recency, comment count, TF-IDF like weighing for portions of comments matched;
- Keyword generation model to make things like "R" more searchable (currently has irrelevant results for things like "r/place")
- Balancing so different keywords aren't overrepresented (currently the top results mostly pertain to Clojure)
- Rank with BM25 / bi-encoder before re-ranking with cross-encoder
- Guarantee there are 500 results by extending Algolia queries if there are an insufficient number of results
- Improve results by retrieving contents and/or embeddings of submissions linked web pages