MoCS -- Monitor Circuits Synthesis for PSL specifications
MoCS compiles monitor circuits from linear time temporal logic specifications. The input logic is similar to PSL by allowing nesting of regular expressions within temporal modalities. The output of MoCS is a synthesizable VHDL description of the monitor circuit. The resulting monitors implement truncated path semantics. On sequentially reading an input trace a monitor outputs at each input position whether the current prefix of the trace satisfies the monitored property. MoCS is particularly careful about generating small monitors form specifications containing sub-properties of bounded temporal scope.
Author: Lars Kuhtz
Original project page:
Please note that MoCS is still prototypic phase. Not all operators are supported in all contexts yet. This is not due to limitations of the approach but to missing bits in the implementation. If you rely on such a missing bit please let us know. Simliar statement holds for the technical quality of the generated VHDL Model.
Currently I am not actively developing MoCS. I release the source code as
- a reference for the corresponding paper [1],
- an inspiration for any related projects, and
- a starting point if someone wants to pick up the development.
All files in the orginial release of MoCS are copyright of Saarland University.
Copyright (C) 2009 Saarland University, Reactive Systems Group.
License: three-clause BSD style.
The license text can be found in the file LICENSE.
Edit the file config.make
To build everything run:
make all
MoCS is coded in C++ and Haskell. Beside of the standard libraries of both languages the code depends on some of the Boost libraries and on Parsec.
The build system does not check for dependencies. In particular the code may not be compatible with recent versions of Boost and Parsec. As a reference the code did compile on Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit.
MoCS [--ouput FILE] FILE
MoCS [--output FILE] --formula STRING
MoCS [--output FILE]"
MoCS --help
MoCS --version
Formula ::= '(' Formula ')' | RegEx | '\strong' Regex
| PrefixOp Formula | BPrefixOp BoundExpr Formula
| Formula BinaryOp Formula | Formula BBinaryOp BoundExpr Formula
| Formula '\abort' Prop | RegEx '\simplies' Formula
PrefixOp ::= '\not' | '\N' | '\wN' | '\G' | '\F'
BPreifxOp ::= '\BN' | '\wBN' | '\BG' | '\BF' | '\sBG' | '\wBF'
BinaryOp ::= '\and' | '\or' | '\implies' | '\equiv' | '\U' | '\W' | '\R' | '\sR'
BBinaryOp ::= '\BU' | '\BR' | '\BW' | '\SBR'
Prop ::= '(' Prop ')' | Var | 'true' | 'false' | '-' Prop
| Prop '+' Prop | Prop '^' Prop
RegEx ::= '(' RegEx ')' | Prop | 'epsilon'
| RegEx '&&' RegEx | RegEx '|' RegEx | RegEx ':' RegEx | RegEx ';' RegEx
| RegEx '*' | RegEx '[' Ordinal ']'
Var ::= "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"
BoundExpr ::= '(' BoundExpr ')' | Ordinal
| BoundExpr '*' BoundExpr | '-' BoundExpr | BoundExpr '++'
Ordinal ::= [0-9]+ | 'infty'"