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LX862 edited this page Jan 23, 2024 · 2 revisions

Animated Bogies

OpenBVE now supports correctly animated bogies, without the need to resort to previous car based physics hacks.

These must be defined in the extensions.cfg as follows:

Object = Bogie.csv
Axles = -1,1

In this example, N represents the zero-based index of the car axle to which the bogie is attached. For example, Car 0 has axles 0 and 1 , whilst Car 2 has axles 4 and 5 etc.

The bogie will then be placed with position 0,0,0 centered upon this axle's location.

Object must point to a b3d, csv or animated object.

Axles defines the two independent axle positions of the bogie.

A Reversed = true statement may also be used to flip the object if required.