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Offboarding Project Participants

Meng Weng Wong edited this page Sep 28, 2015 · 1 revision

When someone leaves the project – if they've gone inactive for several months or has intimated a desire to dissociate.

Look through the Onboarding Project Participants workflow, and undo their associations.

For example, boot them off Slack; unsubscribe them from active-team and whole-team; unshare them from Google Drive's Legalese Shared folder, and from any other shares that may have been established on an ad-hoc basis; unjoin them from the Github teams.

Don't use the above paragraph as the authoritative list; see the page Onboarding Project Participants.

Ensure they signed the Contributor License Agreement

It is important that they have assigned IP to the project. If a record of their signed Contributor License Agreement cannot be found then get them to re-sign it before they go.

If they were active on any projects/tasks, run-through those and handover duties/tasks/network/info

reassign active issues on Github

Pay any pending expense reimbursements.

If they are paid, pay any pending salary.

If they are on an ESOP send a notice confirming the end-date of their accumulation period.

Conduct an exit interview.