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Stichting Opvoeden API client

A client for the API version 2.


Import the client class from opvoeden_api.client and instantiate it with an API key:

client = Client(MY_API_KEY)

The client methods map to the following set of endpoints:

Method Endpoint
contentset_list /rest/v2/contentset
contentset(contentset_id) /rest/v2/contentset/{id}
article(external_reference) /rest/v2/article/{externalReference}
image(image_id) /rest/v2/image/{id}


The contentset method does not support the changedAfter or article parameters that are documented in the API docs.

Data types

Each client method returns a different data type.


The contentset_list method returns a list of ContentSet objects.

A ContentSet object has of the following properties:

  • contentset_id
  • name
  • description
  • is_default

Refer to the API data types docs for more information on these fields.


The contentset(contentset_id) method returns a single ArticleNode. This node represents the root of a tree of Articles.

An ArticleNode has the following properties:

The Article instance associated with this node
A list of ArticleNode instances of which the current node is the parent.

It is possible to iterate over an article node. This will traverse the entire tree in a depth first order. So, for example, to get a flat list of all the articles in a tree one could do this:

tree = client.contentset(1)
articles = [node.article for node in tree if node.article]

To recurse over the tree use the children property:

def visit(node, parent=None):
    Visit each node in the tree.
    # do something with node, then recurse
    for child in node.children:
        visit(child, node)

tree = client.contentset(1)


The article(external_reference) method returns a single Article instance. Another way to get an Article object is by accessing the article property of an ArticleNode.

An Article has the following properties:

  • external_reference
  • short_title
  • title
  • article_text
  • parent_reference
  • position
  • last_change_date
  • canonicaltag
  • tags

Refer to the API data types docs for more information on these fields.


The article_text of Articles retrieved from the contentset endpoint can contain several placeholder strings. This library provides a number of utilities to deal with those.

In addition to these fields the Article object also provides these properties:

The url of the article. This is identical to the canonicaltag but the schema://domain prefix is stripped.
The last element of the path. i.e. if path is '/foo/bar/' then slug will be 'bar'.


The image(image_id) method returns a single Image instance.

  • image_id
  • data
  • content_type
  • name
  • creation_date

Refer to the API data types docs for more information on these fields.

Converting image data to binary

The Image object also provides an as_binary method.

This method converts to base64 encoded value of the data property to binary. The return value of this method can be used to store images on a file system.

Article utils

The article_text of Articles returned by the contentset method can contain a number special placeholder strings.

opvoeden_api.article_utils provides functions to deal with these placeholders.

Replace JGZ placeholders

To replace JGZ placeholders with appropriate strings use replace_jgz.

By default these are the substitutions:

Placeholder Substitution
jgz centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin (CJG)
Jgz Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin (CJG)
jgzs CJG’s
Jgzs CJG’s
de jgzs de CJG’s
De jgzs De CJG’s
het jgz het Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin (CJG)
Het jgz Het Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin (CJG)

To override any of the substitutions use the optional substitutions argument to replace_jgz i.e.:

replace_jgz(article_text, substitutions={
    'jgz': 'centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin'

Replace internal link placeholders

To replace internal link placeholders use replace_links with a replacement callback.

The replacement callback is called with the external_id and link_text for each placeholder in the article text.

If the replacement callback returns anything other than None the link is replaced with the return value.

For example:

external_id_to_href = {
    '1': '/example/',
    '2': '/example/more/'

def get_link(external_id, link_text):
    Get the url for an article and return an HTML snippet
    that links to this url with the given text.

    href = external_id_to_href.get(external_id, None)
    if href:
        return '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(href, link_text)

replace_links(article_text, get_link)

Replace image placeholders

To replace image placeholders use replace_images with a replacement callback.

The replacement callback is called with the image_id for each placeholder in the article text.

If the replacement callback returns anything other than None the placeholder is replaced with the return value.

For example:

image_id_to_src = {
    '1': '/media/1.gif',
    '2': '/media/2.gif'

def get_image_tag(image_id):
    src = image_id_to_src.get(image_id, None)
    if src:
        return '<img src="{}">'.format(src)


The replacement callback is an excellent place call the image endpoint of the API.

Replace video placeholders

To replace YouTube video placeholders use replace_videos with a replacement callback.

The replacement callback is called with the video_id, embed_url and external_url for each placeholder in the article text.

If the replacement callback returns anything other than None the placeholder is replaced with the return value.

Some examples:

def get_video_embed(video_id, embed_url, external_url):
    """Create an iframe to embed the video"""
    return '<iframe src="{}">'.format(embed_url)

def get_video_link(video_id, embed_url, external_url):
    """Create a link to the video player on"""
    return '<a href="{}" target="_blank">Watch the video</a>'.format(



  • Expose article tags


  • Fix YouTube url regex


  • Use API version 2


  • Initial release


A client for the API version 2







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