Flask-Ember-GAE is a simple web application that is a scaffold for using the Flask Python library on Google App Engine as a RESTful back end for Ember.js applications.
##To Use:
###Install App Engine
Download and install the Google App Engine Launcher.This will provide you a local development environment that simulates the actual live App Engine envrionment. More information on using App Engine is available here.
###Download the Flask-Ember-GAE zip file
Or use the Terminal application
git clone https://github.com/levimoore/Flask-Ember-GAE
Unpack the zip file and change the first line of app.yaml, by naming your project.
application: Flask-Ember-GAE
Launch the Google App Engine Launcher application. Choose File>Add Exsisting Application... *Be sue to make note of the port assigned to your application.
###Update Ember Application
On line 8, 80, and 101 of the app.js file fill out the port number assigned to you by the Google App Engine Launcher
host: 'http://localhost:<add the port assigned you by GoogleAppEngineLauncher here>'