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Redeploy gas zip staging #289

Redeploy gas zip staging

Redeploy gas zip staging #289

Workflow file for this run

name: Audit Verifier
# - checks if an audit is required and assigns a (protected) label based on the result ('AuditRequired' or 'AuditNotRequired')
# - if an audit is required, it will verify that the audit was actually completed and then assign label "AuditCompleted"
# - verification includes:
# - ensuring the audit log contains an entry for all added/modified contracts in their latest version
# - ensuring that an audit report has been added
# - ensuring that the PR is approved by the auditor (uses auditor git handle from audit log)
# - ensuring that the commit hash that was audited is actually part of this PR
# - if "AuditCompleted" was assigned earlier but conditions are not met anymore due to changes submitted after the check, label "AuditCompleted" will be removed by this action
# - will only check the last 100 commits for any matches with audit commit hashes
# - only one audit can be registered per contract (in a specific version)
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, ready_for_review]
# will only run once the PR is in "Ready for Review" state
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.draft == false }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
AUDIT_LOG_PATH: 'audit/auditLog.json'
PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
pull-requests: write
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0 ##### Fetch all history for all branches
- name: Check PR for changes in protected folders ('src/*')
id: check_git_diff_for_protectected_folders
run: |
##### Get all files modified by this PR
FILES=$(git diff --name-only origin/main HEAD)
##### Make sure that there are modified files
if [[ -z $FILES ]]; then
echo -e "\033[31mNo files found. This should not happen. Please check the code of the Github action. Aborting now.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
##### Initialize empty variables
##### Go through all modified file names/paths and identify contracts with path 'src/*'
while IFS= read -r FILE; do
if echo "$FILE" | grep -E '^src/.*\.sol$'; then
##### Contract found
done <<< "$FILES"
##### Determine if audit is required
if [[ -z "$PROTECTED_CONTRACTS" ]]; then
echo -e "\033[32mNo protected contracts found in this PR.\033[0m"
echo "AUDIT_REQUIRED=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
echo -e "\033[31mProtected contracts found in this PR.\033[0m"
echo "$AUDIT_REQUIRED" > audit_required.txt
echo -e "$PROTECTED_CONTRACTS" > protected_contracts.txt
- name: Assign, update, and verify labels based on check outcome
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
// ANSI escape codes for colors (used for colored output in Git action console)
const colors = {
reset: "\033[0m",
red: "\033[31m",
green: "\033[32m",
// Fetch currently assigned labels from GitHub using GitHub CLI
let assignedLabels = [];
try {
// Fetch the labels directly from the pull request
const labelsOutput = execSync(`gh pr view ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --json labels --jq '.labels[].name'`).toString();
// Split the labels output into an array and trim each label
assignedLabels = labelsOutput.split('\n').map(label => label.trim()).filter(Boolean);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`${}Error fetching assigned labels: ${error.message}${colors.reset}`);
// check if audit is required (determined by previous step)
const auditRequired = process.env.AUDIT_REQUIRED === 'true';
// determine which label should be assigned and which should be removed
const labelToAssign = auditRequired ? 'AuditRequired' : 'AuditNotRequired';
const oppositeLabel = auditRequired ? 'AuditNotRequired' : 'AuditRequired';
console.log(`Currently assigned labels: ${JSON.stringify(assignedLabels)}`);
console.log(`Label '${labelToAssign}' has to be assigned to this PR`);
console.log(`Label '${oppositeLabel}' will be removed, if currently present`);
// Assign the required label if not already present
if (!assignedLabels.includes(labelToAssign)) {
console.log(`Now assigning label: ${labelToAssign}`);
execSync(`gh pr edit ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --add-label "${labelToAssign}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
} else {
console.log(`${}Label "${labelToAssign}" is already assigned. No action needed.${colors.reset}`);
// Remove the opposite label if it is present
if (assignedLabels.includes(oppositeLabel)) {
console.log(`Now removing opposite label: ${oppositeLabel}`);
execSync(`gh pr edit ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --remove-label "${oppositeLabel}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
} else {
console.log(`${}Opposite label "${oppositeLabel}" is not assigned. No action needed.${colors.reset}`);
// fetch all currently assigned labels again
assignedLabels = []
try {
// Fetch the labels directly from the pull request
const labelsOutput = execSync(`gh pr view ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --json labels --jq '.labels[].name'`).toString();
// Split the labels output into an array and trim each label
assignedLabels = labelsOutput.split('\n').map(label => label.trim()).filter(Boolean);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`${}Error fetching assigned labels: ${error.message}${colors.reset}`);
// Verify that exactly one of the two labels is assigned
const totalLabelsAssigned = assignedLabels.filter(label => ['AuditRequired', 'AuditNotRequired'].includes(label)).length;
if (totalLabelsAssigned !== 1) {
console.error(`${}Error: Exactly one of the two protected labels should be assigned but found ${totalLabelsAssigned} assigned labels.${colors.reset}`);
} else {
console.log(`${}Verified that exactly one label is assigned. Check passed :)${colors.reset}`);
if(assignedLabels.includes('AuditCompleted')) {
console.log(`Label 'AuditCompleted' is currently assigned`);
core.exportVariable('AUDIT_COMPLETED_ASSIGNED', 'true');
console.log(`Label 'AuditCompleted' is currently not assigned`);
- name: Check Audit Log
continue-on-error: true
id: check-audit-log
if: env.AUDIT_REQUIRED == 'true'
run: |
echo "This step will make sure that an audit is logged for each contract modified/added by this PR."
echo "It will also make sure that no information is missing in the audit log and that the information is meaningful."
# load list of protected contracts
PROTECTED_CONTRACTS=$(cat protected_contracts.txt)
# create temp files to store commit hashes and auditor handles
##### make sure that there are any protected contracts
if [[ -z $PROTECTED_CONTRACTS ]]; then
echo -e "\033[31mNo protected contracts found. This should not happen (action should stop earlier). Please check the code of the Github action. Aborting now.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
# iterate through all contracts
while IFS= read -r FILE; do
echo "-----------"
echo "now checking file $FILE"
##### load contract version
VERSION=$(sed -nE 's/^\/\/\/ @custom:version ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/p' "$FILE")
##### make sure that contract version was extracted successfully
if [[ -z $VERSION ]]; then
echo -e "\033[31mCould not find version of contract $FILE. This should not happen. Please check the Github action code. Aborting now.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
##### see if audit log contains an entry with those values
FILENAME=$(basename "$FILE" .sol)
##### Check if the contract and version exist in the JSON and get the audit IDs
AUDIT_IDS=$(jq -r --arg filename "$FILENAME" --arg version "$VERSION" \
'if .auditedContracts[$filename][$version] != null then .auditedContracts[$filename][$version][] else empty end' "$AUDIT_LOG_PATH")
##### Count the number of audits found in the log for this contract/version
if [[ -z "$AUDIT_IDS" ]]; then
AUDIT_COUNT=$(echo "$AUDIT_IDS" | wc -l)
##### Ensure exactly one audit is logged; handle errors if not
if [[ $AUDIT_COUNT -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
if [[ $AUDIT_COUNT -gt 1 ]]; then
echo -e "\033[31mError: Multiple audits found for contract $FILENAME in version $VERSION.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mOnly one audit should be logged per contract version.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mPlease fix the audit log and try again.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mError: Could not find a logged audit for contract $FILENAME in version $VERSION.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mThis check will not pass until the audit log contains a completed audit for this file.\033[0m"
exit 1
##### Extract the single audit ID
AUDIT_ID=$(echo "$AUDIT_IDS" | head -n 1)
##### Extract audit entry details for the single audit ID
AUDIT_ENTRY=$(jq -r --arg audit_id "$AUDIT_ID" '.audits[$audit_id]' "$AUDIT_LOG_PATH")
##### Check if AUDIT_ENTRY is valid JSON
if [[ -z "$AUDIT_ENTRY" || "$AUDIT_ENTRY" == "null" ]]; then
echo -e "\033[31mError: The logged audit ID ($AUDIT_ID) for contract $FILE seems to be invalid.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
echo "File $FILE was audited in $AUDIT_ID"
echo "Now checking if all required information is logged for this audit..."
##### Extract log entry values into variables
AUDIT_COMPLETED_ON=$(echo "$AUDIT_ENTRY" | jq -r '.auditCompletedOn')
AUDITED_BY=$(echo "$AUDIT_ENTRY" | jq -r '.auditedBy')
AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE=$(echo "$AUDIT_ENTRY" | jq -r '.auditorGitHandle')
AUDIT_REPORT_PATH=$(echo "$AUDIT_ENTRY" | jq -r '.auditReportPath')
AUDIT_COMMIT_HASH=$(echo "$AUDIT_ENTRY" | jq -r '.auditCommitHash')
##### make sure that audit log entry contains date
if [ -z "$AUDIT_COMPLETED_ON" ]; then
echo -e "\033[31mThe audit log entry for file $FILE contains an invalid or no 'auditCompletedOn' date.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mThis github action cannot complete before the audit log is complete.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mAborting now.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
echo "The audit log contains a date for $AUDIT_ID: $AUDIT_COMPLETED_ON"
##### make sure that audit log entry contains auditor's (company) name
if [ -z "$AUDITED_BY" ]; then
echo -e "\033[31mThe audit log entry for file $FILE contains invalid or no 'auditedBy' information.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mThis github action cannot complete before the audit log is complete.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mAborting now.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
echo "The audit log contains the auditor's name for $AUDIT_ID: $AUDITED_BY"
##### make sure that audit log entry contains auditor's git handle
if [ -z "$AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE" ]; then
echo -e "\033[31mThe audit log entry for file $FILE contains invalid or no 'auditorGitHandle' information.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mThis github action cannot complete before the audit log is complete.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mAborting now.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
echo "The audit log contains the auditor's github handle for $AUDIT_ID: $AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE"
##### make sure that a file exists at the audit report path
if [ ! -f "$AUDIT_REPORT_PATH" ]; then
echo -e "\033[31mCould not find an audit report in path $AUDIT_REPORT_PATH for contract "$FILENAME".\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mThis github action cannot complete before the audit report is uploaded to 'audit/reports/'.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mAborting now.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
echo "The audit report for $AUDIT_ID was found in path $AUDIT_REPORT_PATH"
##### make sure that audit log entry contains audit commit hash
if [ -z "$AUDIT_COMMIT_HASH" ]; then
echo -e "\033[31mThe audit log entry for file $FILE contains invalid or no 'auditCommitHash' information.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mThis github action cannot complete before the audit log is complete.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mAborting now.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
echo "The audit log contains the commit hash that was audited in $AUDIT_ID: $AUDIT_COMMIT_HASH"
echo -e "\033[32mThe audit log contains all required information for contract $FILE\033[0m"
echo "now checking if audit commit hash $AUDIT_COMMIT_HASH is associated with PR $PR_NUMBER"
##### Fetch the list of commits associated with the PR
COMMIT_LIST=$(gh pr view "$PR_NUMBER" --json commits --jq '.commits[].oid')
##### Check if the target commit is in the list
if echo "$COMMIT_LIST" | grep -q "$TARGET_COMMIT"; then
echo -e "\033[32mCommit $AUDIT_COMMIT_HASH is associated with PR #$PR_NUMBER.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mCommit $AUDIT_COMMIT_HASH is NOT associated with PR #$PR_NUMBER.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
##### Check if the auditor git handle exists on github
echo "now checking if the auditor git handle ($AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE) actually exists"
if gh api users/$AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo -e "\033[32mA user with handle '$AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE' exists on GitHub.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mA user with handle '$AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE' does not exist on GitHub.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mPlease fix the audit log before continuing.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31mCheck failed.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
exit 1
# ##### -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ##### Fetch PR reviews using the GitHub API via gh cli
# echo "now checking if the auditor ($AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE) approved this PR ($PR_NUMBER)"
# REVIEWS=$(gh api repos/lifinance/contracts/pulls/$PR_NUMBER/reviews --jq '.[] | select(.state == "APPROVED") | @json')
# ##### Check if the output is empty or not valid JSON
# if [[ -z "$REVIEWS" ]]; then
# echo "ERROR: No reviews found or failed to fetch reviews for PR #$PR_NUMBER"
# exit 1
# fi
# ##### Flag to track if the review by the specified person is found
# ##### Check if the desired reviewer is present among the reviews
# echo "$REVIEWS" | jq -c '.' | while read -r REVIEW; do
# AUTHOR=$(echo "$REVIEW" | jq -r '.user.login // empty')
# STATE=$(echo "$REVIEW" | jq -r '.state // empty')
# echo "found review by $AUTHOR with state $STATE"
# ##### Check if the reviewer is the person we're looking for
# if [ "$AUTHOR" == "$REVIEWER" ]; then
# echo "Approving review found by $REVIEWER"
# exit 0
# fi
# done
# ##### If no matching review was found, exit with an error
# if [ "$FOUND_REVIEW" == true ]; then
# echo -e "\033[32mPR $PR_NUMBER has an approving review by $AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE\033[0m"
# echo -e "\033[32mCheck passed\033[0m"
# exit 0
# else
# echo -e "\033[31mERROR: No review found by git user '$AUDITOR_GIT_HANDLE' (= the auditor)\033[0m"
# echo -e "\033[31mCheck failed\033[0m"
# echo "CONTINUE=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# exit 1
# fi
# ##### -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -e "\033[32mSuccessfully verified that all contracts in this PRs are audited.\033[0m"
echo -e "\033[32mCheck passed.\033[0m"
echo "CONTINUE=true" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
echo "Assigning label 'AuditCompleted' next"
- name: Assign label "AuditCompleted" if all checks passed
if: ${{ env.AUDIT_REQUIRED == 'true' && env.CONTINUE == 'true' }}
uses: actions-ecosystem/action-add-labels@v1
id: assign_label
github_token: ${{ secrets.GIT_ACTIONS_BOT_PAT_CLASSIC }} # we use the token of the lifi-action-bot so the label protection check will pass
labels: 'AuditCompleted'
number: ${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
- name: Remove label "AuditCompleted" in case check was not successful but label was assigned in earlier checks
continue-on-error: true # This ensures the step will execute even if the job has a failed status.
uses: actions-ecosystem/action-remove-labels@v1
if: ${{ env.AUDIT_COMPLETED_ASSIGNED && (env.CONTINUE == 'false' || (env.CONTINUE == 'true' && env.AUDIT_REQUIRED == 'false'))}}
github_token: ${{ secrets.GIT_ACTIONS_BOT_PAT_CLASSIC }} # we use the token of the lifi-action-bot so the label protection check will pass
labels: 'AuditCompleted'
number: ${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
- name: Fail the git action if any critical step failed
if: env.CONTINUE == 'false' # This step runs only if a failure was recorded
run: |
echo -e "\033[31mError: One or more critical steps failed. Failing the job.\033[0m"
exit 1