This is the official codebase for the following paper, which includes the imlementation on Homomorphic Object-oriented World Model (HOWM).
- ICML 2022, Long Presentation (2%)
- Linfeng Zhao, Lingzhi Kong, Robin Walters, Lawson L.S. Wong
- [arXiv] [Poster] [Slides (ICML Oral)] [ICML page]
pip install -r requirements.txt
The script and default config file are located in ./gen_data
folder. Run the following commands under root folder to generate data for basic Shapes
environment (with all shapes and absolute-orientation actions: north, south, west, and east) and Rush Hour
environment (with only triangles relative-and orientation actions: forward, backward, left, right).
- We use the block pushing environments, which has two tasks: Shapes and Rush Hour. Shapes task has all different shapes that we can push, while Rush Hour only has
- A key concept in our work is Object Library. It is like a vocabulary in natural languages, which contains all possible objects appeared in each scene. We first generate an object library
$\mathbb{L}$ with$|\mathbb{L}| = N$ objects, and then sample different scenes$\mathbb{O}_i$ with a fixed number of objects$|\mathbb{O}_i| = K$ . - We sample
$100$ scenes, and then collect episodes or transitions from those scenes. We sample a fixed number of episodes for each scene$n=100$ with a fixed number of length$l=100$ .- TODO: check number
python -m gen_data.run_data_gen \
gen_env='Shapes' \
gen_mode='joint' \
config_shapes.data_folder='./datasets' \
config_shapes.data_prefix='shapes_library_100train1eval' \
config_shapes.shapes='all' \
config_shapes.cascade_gen=True \
config_shapes.num_objects_total_list='[5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50]' \
config_shapes.num_objects_scene=5 \
config_shapes.shuffle_color=True \
config_shapes.num_episodes.train=1000 \
config_shapes.num_episodes.eval=10000 \
config_shapes.num_config_eval=1 \
config_shapes.num_config_train=100 \
config_shapes.pickle_library=True \
config_shapes.load_pickle_library=False \
python -m gen_data.run_data_gen \
gen_env='Shapes' \
gen_mode='joint' \
config_shapes.data_folder='./datasets' \
config_shapes.data_prefix='rush-hour_library_100train1eval' \
config_shapes.shapes='rush_hour' \
config_shapes.cascade_gen=True \
config_shapes.num_objects_total_list='[5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50]' \
config_shapes.num_objects_scene=5 \
config_shapes.shuffle_color=True \
config_shapes.num_episodes.train=1000 \
config_shapes.num_episodes.eval=10000 \
config_shapes.num_config_eval=1 \
config_shapes.num_config_train=100 \
config_shapes.pickle_library=True \
config_shapes.load_pickle_library=False \
- Overview
- For learning object representations (unsupervised object discovery), we use Slot Attention (Locatello, NeurIPS’20) and freeze the network.
- The most important characteristic is that objects do not naturally have canonical ordering. Thus, when we train the downstream model, such as a transition model, it needs to align objects between different steps in order to correctly compute the prediction error and other quantities.
- Implementation
- The code of Slot Attention is adopted from an open-source PyTorch implementation (, where the training is done by PyTorch Lightning.
- It will train a separate network and save a checkpoint, which will be later freeze in the training of the transition model.
- Training strategy
- Since we assume we have an object library
$\mathbb{L}$ with$|\mathbb{L}| = N$ objects (e.g.,$N=10$ ), even though each scene has$K$ objects (e.g.,$K=5$ ), we only need to train one representation module on all$N$ objects. - The model is trained to reconstruct all objects using mean-square reconstruction loss in the pixel space.
- Empirically, we found this strategy works well: the trained model can accurately reconstruct al objects in the library even with
$N = 50$ objects.
- Since we assume we have an object library
python -m -p -l INFO train_separately with config_model \
enable_wandb=True watch_model=True \
model_train.decoupled_homo_att=True \
train_components='r' \
enable_pl=True \
use_obj_config_dataset=True \
model_train.dataset='datasets/shapes_library_100train1eval_jan24_cascade_n50k5_train.h5' \
model_eval.dataset='datasets/shapes_library_100train1eval_jan24_cascade_n50k5_eval.h5' \
model_train.num_objects=5 \
model_train.num_objects_total=50 \
model_train.encoder_type='specific-small2' \
model_train.embedding_dim=4 \
model_train.slot_size=16 \
model_train.hidden_dims_encoder='(32,32,16)' \
model_train.representation.epochs=200 \
model_train.transition.epochs=0 \
representation_checkpoint=None \
stats_collection='homo_slot_att_debug' \
save_folder='checkpoints/decoupled-homo-slot-attention-experiments' \
description='train: representation'
python -m -p -l INFO train with config_model \
model_train.dataset='datasets/shapes_library_n10k5_train_debug_config_unlimited.h5' \
model_eval.dataset='datasets/shapes_library_n10k5_eval_debug_config_unlimited.h5' \
model_train.num_objects=5 \
model_train.num_objects_total=10 \
model_train.epochs=1 \
save_folder='checkpoints/homo-slot-attention-experiments' \
model_train.homo_slot_att=True \
model_train.decoupled_homo_att=False \
model_train.batch_size=1024 \
model_train.learning_rate=3e-3 \
model_train.encoder_type=specific \
model_train.embedding_dim=4 \
model_train.num_iterations=3 \
num_training_episodes=1000 \
data_config=config_unlimited_neg0.5diff \
model_train.same_config_ratio=0.5 \
stats_collection='homo_slot_att_debug' \
description='debug - config + recon'
The last step should give you a checkpoint of representation module. Use that as the input to the "representation_checkpoint" argument, and run the following command.
TODO: Finish this.
Note that the last step should use N=50 dataset, but here we only train for smaller N, such as N=10,20,30. So you would need to use the corresponding dataset and change model_train.num_objects_total
python -m -p -l INFO train_separately with config_model \
enable_wandb=True watch_model=True \
model_train.decoupled_homo_att=True \
train_components='t' \
enable_pl=False \
use_obj_config_dataset=True \
model_train.dataset='datasets/shapes_library_100train1eval_jan24_cascade_n50k5_train.h5' \
model_eval.dataset='datasets/shapes_library_100train1eval_jan24_cascade_n50k5_eval.h5' \
model_train.num_objects=5 \
model_train.num_objects_total=20 \
model_train.encoder_type='specific-small2' \
model_train.embedding_dim=4 \
model_train.slot_size=16 \
model_train.hidden_dims_encoder='(32,32,16)' \
model_train.representation.epochs=0 \
model_train.transition.epochs=100 \
dir_wandb='/mnt_host/zlf-local-data' \
stats_collection='homo_slot_att_debug' \
save_folder='checkpoints' \
description='train: transition with representation checkpoint'
- Environments (Static/Actionable) -
- Data Generation -
- Algorithms -
- Utilities -
- Running entrance scripts -
- Configuration files -
- Update the readme
- Add a notebook to run the entire pipeline and visualize the attention binding matrices
- Upload pretrained representation and transition model checkpoints
- Reduce memory use in evaluating the contrastive transition model
- Double-check an attention matrix use in loss function