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macOS Configuration Formula

Configures MacOS. This formula is a collection of knowledge I collected or discovered. It is intended as both documentation and to provide automation. Many of the options in MacOS are poorly documented and change frequently and without notice. This is my attempt to mitigate a small part of that (especially for macOS Monterey).

Please be aware that this formula reaches deeply into your system and is to be considered highly experimental. Use it as you see fit. Things are probably going to be fine, but there are no warranties.

Applying tool_macos will make sure MacOS is configured as specified.

To manage defaults for sandboxed applications (like Mail, Messages), your terminal emulator will need Full Disk Access (grant it in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy). This is also true for Time Machine configuration and some other protected files.

Execution and state module

This formula provides several execution modules and states to manage defaults, profiles and power management settings as well as default handlers for files and URL schemes. The functions are self-explanatory, please see the source code or the rendered docs at :ref:`execution_modules:` and :ref:`state_modules`.

Some of them are patched variants of modules written by other people, mostly mosen in particular (macprofile, afaik he is also the original author of the official macdefaults modules). They were either not working on modern systems (profile installation cannot be done non-interactively without being enrolled in an MDM anymore) or lacking features I needed (e.g. defaults -currentHost).

The options described below are organized as I saw fit. If you don't understand something or want further information, look in docs/settings or the state source files. The state files that apply the settings are laid out exactly like the option dictionary.


This formula bends Salt quite a bit. It also features an exorbitant amount of atomic state files that are always rendered during every run. Since Salt currently has some caching issues regarding Jinja variables, it was necessary to introduce a workaround to avoid excessive rendering times.

This workaround requires to have access to a pillar dictionary found at tool_macos. It can be empty if you so desire, just has to be there. In case you do all your configuration in fileserver YAML files, make sure to include tool_macos: {} in your pillar, otherwise your system might go for an extended run on an imaginary hamster wheel while you are sitting there reconsidering your life choices.

This formula

The general configuration structure is in line with all other formulae from the tool suite, for details see :ref:`toolsuite`. An example pillar is provided, see :ref:`pillar.example`. Note that you do not need to specify everything by pillar. Often, it's much easier and less resource-heavy to use the parameters/<grain>/<value>.yaml files for non-sensitive settings. The underlying logic is explained in :ref:`map.jinja`.


The following shows an example of tool_macos per-user configuration. If provided by pillar, namespace it to tool_global:users and/or tool_macos:users. For the parameters YAML file variant, it needs to be nested under a values parent key. The YAML files are expected to be found in

  1. salt://tool_macos/parameters/<grain>/<value>.yaml or
  2. salt://tool_global/parameters/<grain>/<value>.yaml.

    # Persist environment variables used by this formula for this
    # user to this file (will be appended to a file relative to $HOME)
  persistenv: '.config/zsh/zshenv'

    # Add runcom hooks specific to this formula to this file
    # for this user (will be appended to a file relative to $HOME)
  rchook: '.config/zsh/zshrc'

    # This user's configuration for this formula. Will be overridden by
    # user-specific configuration in `tool_macos:users`.
    # Set this to `false` to disable configuration for this user.
        # False to disable, or dict: {on: float, off: float} for periods
        'off': 1.5
        'on': 1.5
        # Enable/disable app icons bouncing when needing attention.
      dock_bounce: true
      dock_launch: true
        # genie, scale, suck
      dock_minimize: genie
        # This mostly affects the `File Info` dialog.
      finder_windows: true
        # Focus ring blend-in animation.
      focus_ring: true
        # New window animations in MacOS.
      macos_windows: true
        # Mission Control animation time (float).
      mission_control: 0.5
        # `reduce motions` in `Accessibility`.
        # E.g. changes space swiping to fade.
      motion_reduced: false
      multidisplay_swoosh: true
      window_resize_time: 0.5
        read_receipts: true
      charging_sound: true
        # Basso, Blow, Bottle, Frog, Funk, Glass, Hero, Morse, Ping,
        # Pop, Purr, Sosumi, Submarine, Tink
      sound_effect_alert: Tink
        # Sound effect volume in parts of current output volume. 0.5 = 50% etc.
      sound_effect_volume: 1
      sound_effect_volumechange: false
        # This only affects macOS, not apps.
      sound_effects_system: true
        # This is the global default for any app.
      sound_effects_ui: true
        # Spatial audio follows head movements.
      spatial_follow_head: true
      # Default "background/magic" behavior. Find UI/UX in uix.
        # Default behavior: silently save changes and exit.
        # Set to true to force prompts.
      confirm_on_close: false
      crashreporter: true
        # Controls whether `Feedback Assistant` autogathers large files.
      feedback_assistant_autogather: true
      handoff_allow: true
      help_window_floats: true
        # Controls what happens when media was inserted.
        # Can be str [ignore / ask / finder / itunes / disk_utility]
        # to control all or dict for specific types.
        blank_cd: ask
        blank_dvd: ask
        music: itunes
        picture: ask
        video: ask
        # `Mission Control groups windows by application`
      mission_control_grouping: true
        # Display time for notifications in seconds.
      notification_display_time: 5
        # Photos app is launched automatically when iPhone is plugged in.
      photos_hotplug: true
        # Controls the behavior when the power button is pressed.
        # true = power button induces sleep, false = prompt what to do
      power_button_sleep: true
        # Controls the default state of the print panel.
      print_panel_expanded: false
        # Automatically quit print app when all jobs are finished.
      printqueue_autoquit: false
        # By default, recreate previously open windows.
      resume_app: true
        # Controls the default state of the save panel.
      save_panel_expanded: false
        # `Automatically rearrange spaces based on recent usage`
      spaces_rearrange_recent: true
      spaces_span_displays: false
        # When clicking a running app in the Dock, switch to a containing workspace.
      spaces_switch_running: true
        # Generally prefer tabs to windows:
        #     manual, fullscreen or always
      tab_preference: fullscreen
        # false = disabled (default), true = enabled
      antialias_subpixel: false
        # Threshold for enabling antialiasing (font size in pixels).
      antialias_threshold: 4
        # disabled(0) / light(1) /medium(2) / heavy(3)
      font_smoothing: medium
        enabled: true
          # 'HH:mm' or HH
          # Make sure to quote the former to stop YAML from doing weird stuff.
          # Why is 22:15 = 1335?
          end: '13:37'
          start: 3
          # 2700-6000
        temperature: 4100
      truetone: true
        delay: 0.5
        enabled: false
        time: 0.5
      hint_hidden: false
      hint_running: true
        enabled: false
        size: 128
      minimize_to_icon: true
        # Persistent Dock tiles. `false` for running apps only.
      persistent_tiles: true
        # Dock position: bottom, left, right
      position: bottom
      recently_opened: true
      scroll_to_open: false
        # Single-app mode: Launching from dock hides all other apps.
      single_app: false
        immutable: false
        tiles: 48
      spring_loading: false
      stack_hover: false
              # Paths can be specified, type will be autodetected.
          - /Applications/
            # Empty items are small-spacer[s].
            # This is the verbose variant for app definition.
              # The label will otherwise equal the app name without .app.
          - label: Sublime
            path: /Applications/Sublime
            type: file
              # Add different spacers with [small-/flex-]spacer.
          - small-spacer
          - label: FF
              # The type will be autodetected as above.
            path: /Applications/
              # Sort by: name / added / modified / created / kind
          - arrangement: added
              # View items as `stack` or `folder`.
            displayas: stack
              # The label would be set to `Downloads` otherwise.
            label: DL
            path: /Users/user/Downloads
              # Layout: auto / fan / grid / list.
            showas: grid
              # The type will be autodetected as well.
            type: directory
          - spacer
              # Defaults: sort by added, display as stack,
              #           layout auto. Label: Documents.
          - /Users/user/Documents
          - flex-spacer
              # URL can be added as well.
          # Don't append, make it exactly like specified.
          # Note: Currently forced to `true`.
        sync: true
          # File extensions will be automatically resolved to all associated UTI.
          # Handlers can be specified by name, bundle ID or absolute path.
          csv: Sublime Text
          html: Firefox
            # This will set https as well, a user prompt is shown for confirmation.
          http: org.mozilla.Firefox
          ipfs: /Applications/Brave
          torrent: Transmission
          public.plain-text: TextEdit
        # Avoid cluttering usb / network / all [= both types] / none
        # mounts with .DS_Store files.
      dsstore_avoid: all
        # Default location of "Save as...". iCloud vs local.
      save_icloud: true
        basename: custom_prefix
          # Image format: png / bmp / gif / jp(e)g / pdf / tiff
        format: png
          # Whether to show the cursor in screenshots.
        include_cursor: false
          # Whether to include date in the filename.
        include_date: true
          # Default: ~/Desktop. Needs absolute path!
        location: /Users/h4xx0r/screenshots
          # Actually called `dropshadow`.
        shadow: true
          # Show floating thumbnail.
        thumbnail: true
        # Enable AirDrop over Ethernet and on unsupported Macs.
      airdrop_extended: false
          # Arrange icons automatically by:
          #   none, grid, name, kind, last_opened, added,
          #   modified, created, size, tags
        arrange: grid
        info: false
        info_bottom: true
        show: true
        size: 64
        spacing: 54
        text_size: 12
      dmg_verify: true
        comments: false
        metadata: true
        name: false
        openwith: true
        privileges: true
      folders_on_top: false
        # New finder windows open at:
        #   computer / volume / home / desktop / documents / </my/custom/path>
      home: recent
        # Open a new window on mount of volume of type.
        - ro
        - rw
        - disk
      pathbar_home_is_root: false
      prefer_tabs: true
        # Finder can be quit => no desktop icons shown.
      quittable: false
        # Finder searches by default relative to
        #   mac, current, previous
      search_scope_default: mac
        # Show external HDD on the desktop.
      show_ext_hdd: true
      show_extensions: false
        # Show hidden files.
      show_hidden: false
        # Show internal HDD on the desktop.
      show_int_hdd: false
      show_library: false
        # Show mounted NAS drives on the desktop.
      show_nas: true
      show_pathbar: false
        # Open folder when dragging file on top.
        delay: 0.5
        enabled: true
        # Delay on hover for proxy icons to show up.
      title_hover_delay: 0.5
        # Show full POSIX path in window title.
      title_path: false
        # Remove items older than 30 days automatically from trash.
      trash_old_auto: true
            # By default, sort items by
            #   none, name, kind, last_opened, added, modified, created, size, tags
          arrange: name
          col_width: 245
          folder_arrow: true
          icons: true
          preview: true
          preview_disclosure: true
          shared_arrange: kind
          text_size: 13
          thumbnails: true
            # By default, sort items by
            #   none, name, kind, last_opened, added, modified, created, size, tags
          arrange: name
          icon_size: 48
          preview: true
          preview_pane: true
          titles: false
            # By default, sort items by
            #   none, name, grid, kind, last_opened, added,
            #   modified, created, size, tags
          arrange: grid
          info: false
          info_bottom: true
          size: 64
          spacing: 54
          text_size: 12
          calc_all_sizes: false
          icon_size: 16
          preview: true
          relative_dates: true
            # By default, sort rows by
            #   name, kind, last_opened, added, modified, created, size, tags
          sort_col: name
          text_size: 13
            # By default, automatically group by:
            #   name, app, kind, last_opened, added, modified, created, size, tags
          groupby: none
            # By default, open Finder folders with layout set as
            #   icon / list / gallery / column [coverflow deprecated]
          style: icon
        # Show warning when changing a file extension.
      warn_on_extchange: true
        # Show warning when removing files from iCloud Drive.
      warn_on_icloud_remove: true
        # Show warning when emptying the trash.
      warn_on_trash: true
        # Fn triggers:
        #   none, dictation, emoji, input_source
      fn_action: none
        # Use function keys as standard function keys instead of system keys
        # by default. Press Fn + F1-12 to trigger system actions.
      function_keys_standard: false
        # `12h` or `24h`. This forces the format, regardless of locale.
      force_124h: 24h
        # List of active system languages. `name-country` separated by dash.
        - en-US
        - en-NZ
        # Show measurements in
        #   metric, US, UK
      measurements: metric
      # Customize Note that your terminal application
      # needs Full Disk Access for this to work.
        # Those accounts will be installed interactively (as profile).
        - address:
            # Account description. Default: <address>
          description: dox
            # Name shown as sender. Default: <username portion of address>
          name: Elliot
            # Incoming mailserver settings.
              # IMAP/POP authentication type is
              #   none, password, crammd5, ntlm, httpmd5
            auth: password
              # IMAP/POP port on the server. Default: 993
            port: 1143
            ssl: true
              # Username for IMAP/POP auth. Default: <address>
              # SMTP authentication type is
              #   none, password, crammd5, ntlm, httpmd5
            auth: password
              # Use the same password as for IMAP/POP and SMTP.
            password_sameas_in: true
              # SMTP port on the server. Default: 465
            port: 1025
            ssl: true
              # Username for SMTP auth. Default: <address>
            # The protocol used by the MUA for this account:
            #   imap, pop
          type: imap
        # Whether to animate sending replies.
      animation_reply: true
        # Whether to animate sending messages.
      animation_sent: true
        # Whether to show attachments inline.
      attachments_inline: true
        # Suppress warning on fail, silently try later again.
      auto_resend_later: true
        # Whether to mark all messages as read when viewing conversation.
      conv_mark_all_read: true
        # Whether to display the latest message on top (sort asc/desc).
      conv_most_recent_top: true
        # Unread count in dock depends on
        #   inbox / all
      dock_unread_count: inbox
        # Delete unedited attachments on: never, app_quit, message_deleted
      downloads_remove: when_deleted
        # Automatically match format when replying (HTML vs plaintext)
      format_match_reply: true
        # Prefer sending messages in
        #   rich / plain
      format_preferred: rich
        # Highlight conversations with color when not grouped.
      highlight_related: true
        # Whether to include names when copying mail addresses.
      include_names_oncopy: true
        # Include related messages.
      include_related: true
        # Show notification when a new message is received in / from:
        #   inbox, vips, contacts, all
      new_message_notifications: inbox
        # '' to disable, else see `audio.sound_effect_alert`.
      new_message_sound: New Mail
        # Poll for new mesages:
        #   auto, manual or int [minutes between polls]
      poll: auto
        # Whether to load remote content in mails automatically.
      remote_content: true
      respond_with_quote: true
        # Set custom shortcut to send message. E.g., this is Cmd + Enter.
      shortcut_send: '@\U21a9'
        # Show unread messages in bold font.
      unread_bold: false
        # This is different from highlight_related.
      view_conversations_highlight: true
      view_date_time: false
        # Preview messages in split view when in fullscreen mode.
      view_fullscreen_split: true
        # Display message sizes in overview.
      view_message_size: false
      view_threaded: true
        control: false
        menu: false
      airdrop: false
      autohide_desktop: false
      autohide_fullscreen: true
        control: false
        menu: true
        percentage: false
      bluetooth: false
        analog: false
        flash_seconds: false
        format: EEE HH:mm
      display: when_active
      focus: when_active
      keyboard_brightness: false
      now_playing: when_active
      screen_mirroring: when_active
      siri: true
        # Show sound icon: true, false, when_active
      sound: when_active
      spotlight: false
      timemachine: false
        control: false
        menu: false
          # Userswitcher shows:
          #   icon, username, fullname
        menu_show: icon
      wifi: true
      app_nap: true
      auto_termination: true
          # Seconds of inactivity until screensaver starts. 0 to disable.
        after: 300
          # Show clock with screensaver.
        clock: false
      allow_targeted_ads: true
      siri_share_recordings: false
      airdrop: true
        # Require password after sleep.
        # This is sadly deprecated and would
        # need to install a profile to be supported still.
        delay: 0
        require: true
      password_hint_after: 3
        # Fun fact: MacOS keeps a log of all downloaded files ever.
          # Enable this to clear logs during the salt run.
        clear: false
          # Disable this to prevent keeping logs at all.
        enabled: true
        # Allows to hide this user from login window
        # and public share points as well as his home dir from Finder.
      user_hidden: false
        # Remove this user from FileVault. Cannot be added back automatically.
      user_no_filevault: false
      # User-specific services management.
      # (system-wide is available in formula config)
        # List of Login Items to disable.
        - com.spotify.client.startuphelper
        # List of Login Items to enable.
        - com.raycast.macos.RaycastLauncher
        # Mind that toggling this setting via System Preferences does much more.
      enabled: false
        # Trigger siri with
        #   default (=off/hold microphone key), cmd_space, opt_space, fn_space
      keyboard_shortcut: default
        # Locale as shown.
      language: en-US
      voice_feedback: true
          # Accent
        language: en-AU
          # The speaker's name.
        speaker: gordon
      autocapitalization: true
      autocorrection: true
      dictation: false
        # Trigger alternative chars when long-pressing keys.
        # Disable this for faster key repeats.
      press_and_hold: true
        delay: 10
        rate: 1
      slow_keys: false
      smart_dashes: true
      smart_periods: true
      smart_quotes: true
      # Touch gesture configuration is a bit weird regarding three finger gestures.
      # [three finger] drag and swipe_pages, when set to three [fingers] or
      # both [two and three], need both axes, so app_expose_mission_control and
      # swipe_fullscreen need to be four [fingers] or disabled.
      # You will be warned about misconfiguration, but that might result in an unknown state.
      # Also note that currently, these settings will only be applied after a
      # reboot. I'm working on an execution module to be able to set those on the fly.
        # Enable/disable App Exposé gesture.
      app_expose: true
        # App Expose and Mission Control gestures use
        # `three` [fingers], `four` or false (disabled)
      app_expose_mission_control: three
      drag: false
      force_click: true
      haptic_feedback_click: true
        # low (=light) / medium / high (=firm)
      haptic_resistance_click: medium
        # Enable/disable Launchpad pinch gesture.
      launchpad: true
        # Trigger lookup:
        #   true [force click] / three [finger tap] / false
      lookup: true
        # Enable/disable Mission Control gesture.
      mission_control: true
      natural_scrolling: true
      notification_center: true
      rotate: true
        # Enable secondary click with
        #   false, two [fingers], corner-right [bottom], corner-left [bottom] click
      secondary_click: two
        # Enable/disable Show Desktop pinch gesture.
      show_desktop: true
      smart_zoom: true
        # Swiping fullscreen apps/workspaces requires
        # three [fingers] / four / false
      swipe_fullscreen: three
        # Swiping pages requires
        #   two [finger scroll], three, both or false
      swipe_pages: two
      tap_to_click: false
        # Trackpad acceleration: 0-3 [float]
      tracking_speed: 1
      zoom: true
      # UI / UX with user input. Default background behaviors in behavior.
          # MacOS accent color:
          #   multi, blue, purple, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, graphite
        accent: multi
          # MacOS highlight color:
          #   accent_color, blue, purple, pink, red, orange,
          #   yellow, green, graphite
        highlight: accent_color
          # Action triggered when doubleclicking a window title:
          #   `maximize` / `'none'` (f yaml), `minimize`
      doubleclick_title: maximize
        # Hot corner configuration. If no modifier, can be just a string per corner.
            # Action can be 'none', mission-control, app-windows, desktop,
            # screensaver, stop-screensaver, displaysleep, launchpad,
            # notification-center, lock-screen, quick-note
          action: screensaver
            # Modifier can be 'none', shift, ctrl, opt, cmd.
          modifier: none
          action: stop-screensaver
          modifier: shift
        top_left: none
        top_right: notification-center
      live_text: true
        # Locate the pointer by shaking it.
      locate_pointer: false
        # true: Jump to spot that was clicked. false: Go to next page.
      scrollbar_jump_click: false
        # Show scroll bars
        #   always, automatic, when_scrolling
      scrollbars_visibility: automatic
        # Sidebar icon size: small, medium, large
      sidebar_iconsize: medium
        # List of items to enable in the Spotlight index. The rest is disabled.
        - applications
        - bookmarks-history
        - calculator
        - contacts
        - conversion
        - definition
        - developer
        - documents
        - events-reminders
        - folders
        - fonts
        - images
        - mail-messages
        - movies
        - music
        - other
        - pdf
        - presentations
        - siri
        - spreadsheets
        - system-preferences
        # Use tab to cycle through UI elements (~ full keyboard access).
      tab_ui_elements: false
        # System theme: auto, dark, light
      theme: light
        # Show outlines around toolbar buttons (from Accessibility).
      toolbar_button_shapes: false
      transparency_reduced: false
        # Windows are tinted in the wallpaper median color.
      wallpaper_tinting: true
        # Customize UI zooming (from Accessibility).
        # If you want to leave defaults, can be boolean instead of mapping.
          # Enable/disable zoom UI by scrolling with modifier feature.
        enabled: false
          # Follow keyboard focus:
          #   never, always, when_typing
        follow_keyboard_focus: never
          # Modifier to trigger this behavior: ctrl, opt, cmd
        modifier: ctrl
          # Zoom: full, split, in_picture
        zoom_mode: full


These are macOS system-wide preferences that need to run as root.


    boot_sound: false
      device.AppleUSBAudioEngine:Native Instruments:Komplete Audio 6 MK2:ABCD1EF2:1,2:
        output.stereo.left: 5
        output.stereo.right: 6
    enabled: true
    enabled_airplane: true
        - <MAC 1>
        - <MAC 2>
      sync: false
      # Show/hide `/Volumes` folder.
    show_volumes: false
        # Dim keyboard brightness after x seconds of inactivity (0=disable).
      after: 0
        # Adjust keyboard brightness in low light.
      low_light: true
      # This will be set as computer name, hostname, NetBIOS name.
    hostname: localmac
    timezone: GMT
    # Power settings for pmset per scope. Valid scopes: all, ac, battery, ups.
        # Wake when plugging in AC adapter.
      acwake: 0
        # Enable automatic poweroff (mostly the same as standby).
      autopoweroff: 0
        # Trigger autopoweroff after x seconds of inactivity.
      autopoweroffdelay: 0
        # Sleep the display after x minutes of inactivity.
      disksleep: 10
      displaysleep: 2
        # Dim the display instead of powering it off when display-sleeping.
      halfdim: 1
        # Which mode to use for hibernation:
        #   0   /     3      /      25
        # sleep / safe sleep / true hibernation for standby
      hibernatemode: 3
      highpowermode: 0
        # Threshold in percent for toggling standbydelayhigh/-low.
      highstandbythreshold: 50
        # Whether display max brightness is reduced. Works for `battery` scope.
      lessbright: 0
        # Whether to wake when opening the laptop lid.
      lidwake: 1
      lowpowermode: 0
      powermode: 0
      powernap: 1
      proximitywake: 0
      sleep: 1
        # Enable automatic sleep -> standby
      standby: 1
      standbydelayhigh: 86400
      standbydelaylow: 10800
      tcpkeepalive: 0
        # Prevent sleep when there is an active tty connection, even if it's remote.
      ttyskeepawake: 0
        # Wake on receiving an ethernet magic packet.
      womp: 0
      lessbright: 1
      # Allow Crash Reporter to send reports to
      #   none, apple, third_party
    crashreporter_allow: apple
      # Automatically login a user after booting.
      #   false to disable, otherwise username
    autologin: false
        # Enable automatic updates.
      check: true
        # Automatically download updates.
      download: true
        # Automatically install App Store app updates.
      install_app: true
        # Automatically install (critical) config updates.
        # System Preferences combines this with critical.
      install_config: true
        # Automatically install critical system updates.
        # System Preferences combines this with config.
      install_critical: true
        # Automatically install MacOS updates.
      install_system: true
        # Check every i day(s) for updates. (might be deprecated)
      schedule: 1
      # List of custom CA root certificates (PEM) to install on the system
    ca_root: []
    captive_portal_detection: true
      # Load/unload cupsd service.
    cupsd: true
      # Automatically log in a user after authenticating with FileVault.
    filevault_autologin: true
    filevault_evict_keys_standby: false
        # Automatically allow incoming connections for Apple-signed binaries.
      apple_signed_ok: true
        # Automatically allow incoming connections for downloaded signed binaries.
      download_signed_ok: false
      enabled: true
        # Block all incoming connections.
      incoming_block: false
      logging: true
        # Ignore incoming ICMP + TCP/UDP packets to closed ports.
      stealth: false
    gatekeeper: true
    guest_account: false
    internet_sharing: false
      # Sets ipv6 automatic/off on all network interfaces. Debatable if sensible.
    ipv6: true
      # Send multicast DNS advertisements.
    mdns: true
        # Sync the system time using ntp.
      enabled: true
        # Specify ntp server to use.
    printer_sharing: false
    remote_apple_events: false
      # This setting only works to disable remote desktop connections.
    remote_desktop_disabled: true
      # State of SSH server.
    remote_login: false
    require_admin_for_system_settings: true
      # Disable/enable check if root user account is disabled.
      # Cannot modify the state.
    root_disabled_check: false
      enabled: false
        # pam_reattach might be required to make this work
        # with tmux and iTerm saved sessions
      pam_reattach: false
      # Wake on receiving magic ethernet package.
      # Enabled by default for AC actually.
      # More finegrained control: `womp` in power settings (`macos.power`).
      # This is mostly for disabling the feature.
    wake_on_lan: false
    # Global services management.
    # (user-specific available in user config)
      # List of Launch Items to disable.
      - org.cups.cupsd
      # List of Launch Items to enable.
      - org.pqrs.karabiner.karabiner_observer
    # Time Machine configuration
    # needs Full Disk Access for your terminal emulator.
    backup_on_battery: false
      # Disable this to suppress a TimeMachine popup
      # offering an unknown disk as backup target on mount.
    offer_new_disks: true
      # Show language selection menu in login window.
    login_window_input_menu: true

    # Default formula configuration for all users.
    animations: default value for all users

General Remarks

If you want to see for yourself which incantation results in your preferred changes, consider using prefsniff. It can run on a whole directory to see which files are changed (not recursive) and run on a specific file to generate the corresponding defaults write command. The usual suspect directories are:

  • ~/Library/Preferences
  • ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost
  • /Library/Preferences
  • /var/root/Library/Preferences

If you can't find the file, you might be dealing with a sandboxed application (look in ~/Library/Containers), it might persist the settings in another way (KMB) or use a Saved Application State (?). Running sudo fs_usage -f filesys <pid> might give another clue.

Contributing to this repo

Commit messages

Commit message formatting is significant.

Please see How to contribute for more details.


pre-commit is configured for this formula, which you may optionally use to ease the steps involved in submitting your changes. First install the pre-commit package manager using the appropriate method, then run bin/install-hooks and now pre-commit will run automatically on each git commit.

$ bin/install-hooks
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/commit-msg

State documentation

There is a script that semi-autodocuments available states: bin/slsdoc.

If a .sls file begins with a Jinja comment, it will dump that into the docs. It can be configured differently depending on the formula. See the script source code for details currently.

This means if you feel a state should be documented, make sure to write a comment explaining it.


Linux testing is done with kitchen-salt. It follows follows there is none currently and anyone running this formula is a substitute for the missing tests.

  • finish macsettings execution module to change difficult settings on the fly (esp. changing scrolling direction)

  • incorporate some important settings, maybe in the form of a profile (screensaver config!)

  • install arbitrary profiles

  • finish adding all options from previous iteration

  • add following system preferences settings:

    • Notifications & Focus (file: ~/Library/Preferences/, example:
    - bundle-id:
      content_visibility: 0
      flags: 578822166
      grouping: 0
      path: /System/Applications/
        - flags: 6
              # the following is <data></data>, base64 encoded
              # 00000000: fade 0c00 0000 0034 0000 0001 0000 0006  .......4........
              # 00000010: 0000 0002 0000 0017 636f 6d2e 6170 706c
              # 00000020: 652e 4361 6c65 6e64 6172 4167 656e 7400  e.CalendarAgent.
              # 00000030: 0000 0003
          uuid: C99C2315-ACDB-4ABB-AE7F-0C81E7EE3DD9
        - flags: 6
              # 00000000: fade 0c00 0000 0048 0000 0001 0000 0006  .......H........
              # 00000010: 0000 0002 0000 002b 636f 6d2e 6170 706c  .......+com.appl
              # 00000020: 652e 4361 6c65 6e64 6172 4e6f 7469 6669  e.CalendarNotifi
              # 00000030: 6361 7469 6f6e 2e43 616c 4e43 5365 7276  cation.CalNCServ
              # 00000040: 6963 6500 0000 0003                      ice.....
          uuid: A4C40B21-EA4B-42F0-B5E7-400EE0A78DCB
    • Login Items for users?
    • more from Accessibility (eg doubleclick speed)
    • Screen Time? probably not possible with plists at least
    • Share Menu (file: ~/Library/Preferences/ for displayOrder, a bunch of*.plist for active/inactive)
    • Finder Extensions (file: ~/Library/Preferences/pbs.plist FinderActive / FinderOrdering)
    • Keyboard shortcuts