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Pandrator aspires to be a user-friendly app with a graphical interface and a one-click installer that creates high-quality speech from text in multiple languages (audiobooks, speech synchronised with subtitles and more) using local models (XTTS, Silero or VoiceCraft), plus voice cloning, LLM pre-processing, RVC enhancement, and automatic evaluation


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Pandrator, a GUI audiobook and dubbing generator with voice cloning and AI text optimisation


TL;DR: Pandrator is not an AI model itself, but a GUI framework for Text-to-Speech projects. It can generate audiobooks and dubbing by leveraging several AI tools and purpose-made workflows and algorithms. It works on Windows out of the box. It does work on Linux, but you have to perform a manual installation at the moment. The easiest way to use it is to download one of the precompiled archives - when you unzip them, use the launcher. They come in three versions, one with just XTTS (the recommended TTS model), one with XTTS, RVC and WhisperX (WhisperX is needed for dubbing), and one with Silero (the smallest model that works even on older CPUs). You can also use the launcher to install additional tools. For other installation options, look below. XTTS works best on an Nvidia GPU (with as little as 4GB of VRAM), though it is usable on a CPU.

Quick Demonstration

This video shows the process of launching Pandrator, selecting a source file, starting generation, stopping it and previewing the saved file. It has not been sped up as it's intended to illustrate the real performance (you may skip the first 35s when the XTTS server is launching, and please remember to turn on the sound).


Pandrator aspires to be easy to use and install - it has a one-click installer and a graphical user interface. It is a tool designed to perform two tasks:

  • transform text, PDF, EPUB and SRT files into spoken audio in multiple languages based chiefly on open source software run locally, including preprocessing to make the generated speech sound as natural as possible by, among other things, splitting the text into paragraphs, sentences and smaller logical text blocks (clauses), which the TTS models can process with minimal artifacts. Each sentence can be regenerated if the first attempt is not satisfacory. Voice cloning is possible for models that support it, and text can be additionally preprocessed using LLMs (to remove OCR artifacts or spell out things that the TTS models struggle with, like Roman numerals and abbreviations, for example),
  • generate dubbing either directly from a video file, including transcription (using WhisperX), or from an .srt file. It includes a complete workflow from a video file to a dubbed video file with subtitles - including translation using a variety of APIs and techniques to improve the quality of translation. Subdub, a companion app developed for this purpose, can also be used on its own.

It leverages the XTTS, Silero and VoiceCraft model(s) for text-to-speech conversion and voice cloning, enhanced by RVC_CLI for quality improvement and better voice cloning results, and NISQA for audio quality evaluation. Additionally, it incorporates Text Generation Webui's API for local LLM-based text pre-processing, enabling a wide range of text manipulations before audio generation.


Please note that Pandrator is still in an alpha stage and I'm not an experienced developer (I'm a noob, in fact), so the code is far from perfect in terms of optimisation, features and reliability. Please keep this in mind and contribute, if you want to help me make it better.


The samples were generated using the minimal settings - no LLM text processing, RVC or TTS evaluation, and no sentences were regenerated. Both XTTS and Silero generations were faster than playback speed.


Dubbing sample, including translation (video source):





It's likely that you will need at least 16GB of RAM, a reasonably modern CPU for CPU-only generation (which you can choose in the launcher), and ideally an NVIDIA GPU with 4 GB+ of VRAM for really good performance.


Silero runs on the CPU. It should perform well on almost all reasonably modern systems.


You can run VoiceCraft on a cpu, but generation will be very slow. To achieve meaningful acceleration with a GPU (Nvidia), you need one with at least 8GB of VRAM. If you have only 4GB, disable kv cache in advanced settings.


This project relies on several APIs and services (running locally) and libraries, notably:




GUI Installer and Launcher (Windows)

Run pandrator_installer_launcher.exe with administrator priviliges. You will find it under Releases. The executable was created using pyinstaller from in the repository.

The file may be flagged as a threat by antivirus software, so you may have to add it as an exception.

You can choose which TTS engines to install and whether to install the software that enabled RVC voice cloning (RVC_CLI). You may install new components later. The installer creates the Pandrator folder, installs winget, git, ffmpeg, C++ Build Tools and/or Calibre if not installed already and Miniconda, clones the XTTS Api Server respository, the Silero Api Server repository or the VoiceCraft API repository and the Pandrator repository, creates conda environments, installs dependencies and launches Pandrator and the server you chose. You may use the the Installer/Launcher to launch Pandrator and all the tools later.

If you want to perform the setup again, remove the Pandrator folder it created. Please allow at least a couple of minutes for the initial setup process to download models and install dependencies. Depending on the options you've chosen, it may take up to 25 minutes.

For additional functionality not yet included in the installer:

  • Install Text Generation Webui and remember to enable the API (add --api to CMD_FLAGS.txt in the main directory of the Webui before starting it).
  • Set up NISQA API for automatic evaluation of generations.

Please refer to the repositories linked under Dependencies for detailed installation instructions. Remember that the APIs must be running to make use of the functionalities they offer.

Manual Installation:

  1. Make sure that Python 3, git, calibre and ffmpeg are installed and in PATH.
  2. Install and run at least XTTS API Server, Silero API Server or VoiceCraft API Server.
  3. Clone this repository (git clone
  4. cd to the repository directory.
  5. Install requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt.
  6. Run python


  • Text Pre-processing: Splits text into sentences and (attempts to) preserve paragraphs. Profiles for multiple languages are available.
  • LLM Text Pre-processing: Utilizes a local LLM for text corrections and enhancements with up to three different prompts run sequentially, and an evaluation mechanism that asks the model to perform a task twice and then choose the better response. I've been using openchat-3.5-0106.Q5_K_M.gguf with good results, as well as for example Mistral 7B Instruct 0.2. Different models may perform different tasks well, so it's possible to choose a specific model for a specific prompt.
  • Audio Generation: Converts processed text into speech, with options for voice cloning and quality enhancement. It currently supports .txt, .srt and .pdf files.
  • Audio Evaluation: An experimental feature that predicts Mean Opinion Score (MOS) for generated sentences and sets a score threshold or chooses the best score from a set number of generations.
  • Generating and adding dubbing to video files: Speech generated from subtitle files is synchronized with the SRT timestamps and can be saved as a file or mixed with an audio track of a video file, effectively producing dubbing. It handles cases where generated speech exceeds the time alloted for a subtitle and self-corrects synchronisation. It's possible to speed up or slow down generated audio.
  • Session Management: Supports creating, deleting, and loading sessions for organized workflow.
  • GUI: Built with customtkinker for a user-friendly experience.

Quick Start Guide

Basic Usage

If you don't want to use the additional functionalities, you have everything you need in the Session tab.

  1. Either create a new session or load an existing one (select a folder in Outputs to do that).
  2. Choose your .txt, .srt, .pdf or epub file. If you choose a PDF or EPUB file, a preview window will open with the extracted text. You may edit it (OCRed books often have poorly recognized text from the title page, for example). Files that contain a lot of text, regardless of format, can take a long time to finish preprocessing before generation begins. The GUI will freeze, but as long as there is processor activity, it's simply working. For whole books, expect 10m+ for preprocessing.
  3. Select the TTS server you want to use - XTTS, Silero or VoiceCraft - and the language from the dropdown (VoiceCraft currently supports only English).
  4. Choose the voice you want to use.
    1. XTTS, voices are short, 6-12s .wav files (22050hz sample rate, mono) stored in the tts_voices directory. The XTTS model uses the audio to clone the voice. It doesn't matter what language the sample is in, you will be able to generate speech in all supported languages, but the quality will be best if you provide a sample in your target language. You may use the sample one in the repository or upload your own. Please make sure that the audio is between 6 and 12s, mono, and the sample rate is 22050hz. You may use a tool like Audacity to prepare the files. The less noise, the better. You may use a tool like Resemble AI for denoising and/or enhancement of your samples on Hugging Face.
    2. Silero offers a number of voices for each language it supports. It doesn't support voice cloning. Simply select a voice from the dropdown after choosing the language.
    3. VoiceCraft works similarly to XTTS in that it clones the voice from a .wav sample. However, it needs both a properly formatted .wav file (mono, 16000hz) and a .txt file with the transcription of what is said in the sample. The files must have the same name (apart from the extension, of course). You need to upload them to tts_voices/VoiceCraft and you will be able to select them in the GUI. Currently only English is supported. If you generate with a new voice for the first time, the server will perform the alignment procedure, so the first sentence will be generated with a delay. This won't happen when you use that voice again.
  5. If you want, you can either slow down or speed up the generated audio (type in or choose a ratio, e.g. 1.1, which is 10% faster than generated; it may be especially useful for dubbing).
  6. If you chose an .srt file, you will be given the option to select a video file and one of its audio tracks to mix with the synchronized output, as well as weather you want to lower the volume of the original audio when subtitle audio is playing.
  7. Start the generation. You may stop and resume it later, or close the programme and load the session later.
  8. You can play back the generated sentences, also as a playlist, edit them (the text for regeneration), regenerate or remove individual ones.
  9. "Save Output" concatenates the sentences generated so far an encodes them as one file (default is .opus at 64k bitrate; you may change it in the Audio tab to .wav or .mp3).

General Audio Settings

  1. You can change the lenght of silence appended to the end of sentences and paragraphs.
  2. You can enable a fade-in and -out effect and set the duration.
  3. You can choose the output format and bitrate.

General Text Pre-Processing Settings

  1. You can disable/enable splitting long sentences and set the max lenght a text fragment sent for TTS generation may have (enabled by default; it tries to split sentences whose lenght exceeds the max lenght value; it looks for punctuation marks (, ; : -) and chooses the one closest to the midpoint of the sentence; if there are no punctuation marks, it looks for conjunctions like "and"); it performs this operation twice as some sentence fragments may still be too long after just one split.
  2. You can disable/enable appending short sentences (to preceding or following sentences; disabled by default, may perhaps improve the flow as the lenght of text fragments sent to the model is more uniform).
  3. Remove diacritics (useful when generating a text that contains many foreign words or transliterations from foreign alphabets, e.g. Japanese). Do not enable this if you generate in a language that needs diacritics, like German or Polish! The pronounciation will be wrong then.

LLM Pre-processing

  • Enable LLM processing to use language models for preprocessing the text before sending it to the TTS API. For example, you may ask the LLM to remove OCR artifacts, spell out abbreviations, correct punctuation etc.
  • You can define up to three prompts for text optimization. Each prompt is sent to the LLM API separately, and the output of the last prompt is used for TTS generation.
  • For each prompt, you can enable/disable it, set the prompt text, choose the LLM model to use, and enable/disable evaluation (if enabled, the LLM API will be called twice for each prompt, and then again for the model to choose the better result).
  • Load the available LLM models using the "Load LLM Models" button in the Session tab.

RVC Quality Enhancement and Voice Cloning

  • Enable RVC to enhance the generated audio quality and apply voice cloning.
  • Select the RVC model file (.pth) and the corresponding index file using the "Select RVC Model" and "Select RVC Index" buttons in the Audio Processing tab.
  • When RVC is enabled, the generated audio will be processed using the selected RVC model and index before being saved.

NISQA TTS Evaluation

  • Enable TTS evaluation to assess the quality of the generated audio using the NISQA (Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Assessment) model.
  • Set the target MOS (Mean Opinion Score) value and the maximum number of attempts for each sentence.
  • When TTS evaluation is enabled, the generated audio will be evaluated using the NISQA model, and the best audio (based on the MOS score) will be chosen for each sentence.
  • If the target MOS value is not reached within the maximum number of attempts, the best audio generated so far will be used.


Contributions, suggestions for improvements, and bug reports are most welcome!


  • You can find a collection of voice sample for example here. They are intended for use with ElevenLabs, so you will need to pick an 8-12s fragment and save it as 22050khz mono .wav usuing Audacity, for instance.
  • You can find a collection of RVC models for example here.


  • Add support for Surya for PDF OCR, layout and redeaing order detection, plus preprocessing of chapters, headers, footers, footnotes and tables.
  • Add support for StyleTTS2
  • Add importing/exporting settings.
  • Add support for proprietary APIs for text pre-processing and TTS generation.
  • Include OCR for PDFs.
  • Add support for a higher quality local TTS model, Tortoise.
  • Add option to record a voice sample and use it for TTS to the GUI.
  • Add support for chapter segmentation
  • Add all API servers to the setup script.
  • Add support for custom XTTS models
  • Add workflow to create dubbing from .srt subtitle files.
  • Include support for PDF files.
  • Integrate editing capabilities for processed sentences within the UI.
  • Add support for a lower quality but faster local TTS model that can easily run on CPU, e.g. Silero or Piper.
  • Add support for EPUB.


Pandrator aspires to be a user-friendly app with a graphical interface and a one-click installer that creates high-quality speech from text in multiple languages (audiobooks, speech synchronised with subtitles and more) using local models (XTTS, Silero or VoiceCraft), plus voice cloning, LLM pre-processing, RVC enhancement, and automatic evaluation








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