Rossmann is one of the largest drug store chains in Europe with around 56,200 employees and more than 4000 stores across Europe. In 2019 Rossmann had more than €10 billion turnover in Germany, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Albania, Kosovo and Spain.
The aim of this preoject is to build sales dashboard on the rossmann store sales data.
- Backend database design using MYSQL
- API endpoint with flask
- Frontend with Reactjs
- /api includes scripts for backend design REST API call, database design
- /sales-dashbaord contains frontend files
Assuming that you are working in Project directory
cd ~/Project
git clone
git checkout main
- Instead, you will create dev_yourname on your machine that exist for the purpose of solving singular issues.
git checkout main
git checkout -b dev_yourname
-Make changes.
git add .
git commit -m "Updated Kafaka
This adds any new files to be tracked and makes a commit. Now let's add them to your branch and pull request to merge.
git checkout main
git push origin dev_yourname