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3D Reconstruction using Triangulation, Photometric Stereo and Deep Learning


3D Reconstruction using Triangulation

• Implemented the 8-point algorithm to estimate the fundamental matrix from corresponding points in two images.

• With the fundamental matrix and calibrated intrinsics, computed the essential matrix and used this to compute a 3D metric reconstruction from 2D correspondences using triangulation.

• Implemented a method to automatically match points, taking advantage of epipolar constraints and made a 3D visualization of the results. Finally, implemented RANSAC and bundle adjustment to further improve the algorithm.

• Codes are in and elaborate project description is in hw4.pdf

Image 1 3D Point Clouds

3D Reconstruction using Photometric Stereo

• Determined the shape of a person’s face using both calibrated and uncalibrated photometric vision (assuming Lambertian object and Orthographic Camera).

• Codes are in and elaborate project description is in hw6.pdf

Calibrated Photometric Vision Calibrated Photometric Vision Uncalibrated Photometric Vision Uncalibrated Photometric Vision

3D Reconstruction using Deep Learning (ResDepth)

• Proposed a novel deep learning architecture (ResDepth) consisting of an encoder-decoder self-supervised network, to compute disparity of images and videos.

• Trained the network using the stereo pairs from the KITTI dataset. Computed loss using a combination of L1 and SSIM loss.

• Beat the state of the art Monodepthv2 self-supervised model (baseline model) in all 7-performance metrics.

• ResDepth is inspired from DenseDepth ( and MonoDepthV2 (

• Detailed report of the project is in ResDepthReport.pdf, code is in ResDepth_Manash.ipynb and a video of the results of the model is available at

• This is a group project. Here I have listed my contributions only.

ResDepth Architecture

ResDepth Architecture

Disparity Maps

Note: This project is part of my Homeworks. Current CMU students please refrain from going through the codes.