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manuelsmendoza committed Oct 7, 2022
1 parent e11e632 commit 384335f
Showing 1 changed file with 189 additions and 0 deletions.
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -352,6 +352,179 @@ Cantalapiedra et al. 2021) with the following options:

The other options were set by default.

## Additional steps

**Over-represented sequences analysis**: We extracted the
overrepresented sequences identified using FastQC and aligned them to
the Nucleotide database. The result is showed in the Table S2.

``` r
# Attach the packages

# Extract the overrepresented sequences and their abundance
overseq_tbl <- full_join(
qc_plot(qc_read(""), "Overrepresented sequences") %>% select(Sequence, Count) %>% rename("frcts" = Count),
qc_plot(qc_read(""), "Overrepresented sequences") %>% select(Sequence, Count) %>% rename("rvcts" = Count)

# Export overrepresented sequences
overseq <- DNAStringSet(overseq_tbl %>% pull(Sequence))
names(overseq) <- paste0("ELVIRA_OVERSEQ-", 1:nrow(overseq_tbl))
writeXStringSet(x = overseq, filepath = "sample.overseq.fna", append = FALSE)

``` bash
# Align the overrepresented sequences to the Nucleotide database
blastn \
-num_threads $SLURM_NTASKS \
-task blastn-short \
-db nt \
-query sample.overseq.fna
-out sample.overseq.nt.tsv \
-evalue 1e-3 \
-outfmt 6 \
-perc_identity 75 \
-max_target_seqs 1 \
-max_hsps 1

**Transcriptome fragmentation**: We checked if the transcript were
assembled completely and the proteins coverage (we required the
alignment obtained in the STEP 7).

``` r
# Calculate fragmentation and protein coverage
trans_frag <- check_completeness(
prot_seqs = "sample.good.rmdup.slugs.faa",
prot_blast = ""

# Export the result
write_delim(trans_frag, file = "sample.fragmentation.tsv", delim = "\t", append = FALSE, col_names = TRUE)

**Orthogroups detection**: We detected the different orthogroups using
OrthoFinder (Emms and Kelly 2019). After, these sequences were aligned
using MAFFT (Katoh et al. 2002). OrthoFinder is not reporting the final
species tree correctly (Issue
\#732)\[<>\] so, we
had to build it using an alternaltive approach.

``` bash
# Create a dump directory to store the different transcriptomes
mkdir ref_sequences

# Run OrthoFinder
orthofinder \
-f ref_sequences \
-M msa \
-A mafft \
-T raxml-ng \
-o slugs_ortphy

**Building the species tree**:

``` bash
# Estimate the substitution model
modeltest-ng \
--force \
--processes $SLURM_NTASKS \
--datatype aa \
--input slugs_ortphy/*/MultipleSequenceAlignments/SpeciesTreeAlignment.fa \
--output SpeciesTreeAlignment.model \
--topology ml \
--frequencies e \
--model-het f \
--template raxml

# Build the ML tree
raxml-ng \
--redo \
--threads $SLURM_NTASKS \
--all \
--check \
--msa slugs_ortphy/*/MultipleSequenceAlignments/SpeciesTreeAlignment.fa \
--model MODEL \
--blopt nr_safe \
--bs-trees 10000

**Orthogroups gene-ontology enrichment**

``` r
# Attach the libraries

# Load the Orthogroups information
cnames <- c("Orthogroup", "ACA", "ECH", "ECO", "ECR", "EOR", "ETI", "EVI", "OVI", "POC")
orthogroups <- read_delim(file = "orthofinder_dir/Orthogroups.tsv", delim = "\t", col_names = cnames, skip = 1)

# Load ELVIRA annotation
txannotation <- readMappings(file = "sample.good.rmdup.slugs.trans2go.tsv", sep = "\t", IDsep = ";")

``` r
# Pick up the genes of interest
txsubset <- orthogroups %>%
filter(,, !, !, !, !, !, !, ! %>%

txsubset <- orthogroups %>%
filter(,,,, !, !, !, !, ! %>%

txsubset <- orthogroups %>%
filter(,,,, !, !,, !, ! %>%

# Select the genes of interest
txsubset <- unlist(str_split(string = txsubset, pattern = ", "))
txsubset <- factor(as.integer(names(txannotation) %in% txsubset))
names(txsubset) <- names(txannotation)

``` r
# Perform GO-term enrichment
# Biological Process
bp_godata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = txsubset, annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = txannotation)
bp_enrichment <- runTest(object = bp_godata, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "t")
bp_enrichment <- GenTable(object = bp_godata, pvalue = bp_enrichment, topNodes = 2583)

# Cellular Component
cc_godata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "CC", allGenes = txsubset, annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = txannotation)
cc_enrichment <- runTest(object = cc_godata, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "t")
cc_enrichment <- GenTable(object = cc_godata, pvalue = cc_enrichment, topNodes = 683)

# Molecular Function
mf_godata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "MF", allGenes = txsubset, annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = txannotation)
mf_enrichment <- runTest(object = mf_godata, algorithm = "weight01", statistic = "t")
mf_enrichment <- GenTable(object = mf_godata, pvalue = mf_enrichment, topNodes = 1606)

# Binding enrichment result
go_enrichment <- tibble(bind_rows(
bp_enrichment %>% mutate("go_class" = "BP"),
cc_enrichment %>% mutate("go_class" = "CC"),
mf_enrichment %>% mutate("go_class" = "MF")
)) %>%
mutate(pvalue = str_replace(string = pvalue, pattern = "< ", replacement = ""),
pvalue = as.numeric(pvalue),
go_class = factor(go_class, levels = c("BP", "CC", "MF")))

# Export the result
write_delim(x = go_enrichment, file = "go_enrichment.tsv", delim = "\t", append = FALSE, col_names = TRUE)

# References

<div id="refs" class="references csl-bib-body hanging-indent">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,6 +585,14 @@ Computational Biology* 7 (10): e1002195.


<div id="ref-emms2019orthofinder" class="csl-entry">

Emms, David M, and Steven Kelly. 2019. “OrthoFinder: Phylogenetic
Orthology Inference for Comparative Genomics.” *Genome Biology* 20 (1):


<div id="ref-haas2013Trinity" class="csl-entry">

Haas, Brian J, Alexie Papanicolaou, Moran Yassour, Manfred Grabherr,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,6 +629,14 @@ Opisthobranchia).” *Bonner Zoologische Beiträge* 55 (3/4): 255–81.


<div id="ref-katoh2002mafft" class="csl-entry">

Katoh, Kazutaka, Kazuharu Misawa, Kei-ichi Kuma, and Takashi Miyata.
2002. “MAFFT: A Novel Method for Rapid Multiple Sequence Alignment Based
on Fast Fourier Transform.” *Nucleic Acids Research* 30 (14): 3059–66.


<div id="ref-manni2021busco" class="csl-entry">

Manni, Mosè, Matthew R Berkeley, Mathieu Seppey, Felipe A Simão, and
Expand Down

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