ROS node that runs and show the information of your project in a GUI based on Tkinter. This project is developed based on ROSBoard project.
ROS1/ROS2 compatible. This package will work in either ROS version.
Light weight. Doesn't depending on much. Consumes extremely little resources when it's not actually being used.
apt-get install python-tk # ubuntu
pip install tkinter #windows
source /opt/ros/YOUR_ROS1_OR_ROS2_DISTRO/setup.bash
Then is just check your nodes information.
This ROS package should work in either ROS1 or ROS2. Simply drop it into your catkin_ws/src/
or colcon_ws/src/
and it should just work.
For ROS 1, run it with rosrun ros_tkinter ros_tkinter_node
or put it in your launch file.
For ROS 2, run it with ros2 run ros_tkinter ros_tkinter_node
or put it in your launch file.
- Enable multiple subscriptions
- Enable show Images
- Organize the Structure