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GitHub Action

Generate First Issues Interface


Generate First Issues Interface


Generate First Issues Interface

Create an interface for good first issues for a list of repos


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Generate First Issues Interface

uses: rseng/good-first-issues@v1.0.1

Learn more about this action in rseng/good-first-issues

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Good First Issues


A GitHub action to generate a web interface with an updated set of issues. This means that:

  • the interface is created under docs/
  • issues are populated in docs/_issues
  • the site is served via Jekyll

This means that you can use the action in your workflows too, and choose how often / when to run it, and how to update your GitHub pages. Continue reading to learn more.



Optional The path to the repos.txt (or otherwise named) file. Defaults to repos.txt in the root of the repository. The file should include a single list of repository URLS, and (optionally) one or more comma separated tags: hpc,package-management containers,singularity

Example usage

    - name: Checkout Code
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Generate First Issues
      uses: rseng/good-first-issues@v1.0.1
        repos-file: '.github/repos.txt'
        token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

You only need to define repos-file if you change the path (note that the above is changed from .github/repos.txt). It's highly recommended that you don't use master branch, but instead a version release or commit (as shown above).



How do I customize the interface?

The interface will always be generated in the docs subfolder, so if you haven't created it there yet, the action will generate it the first time around. It's up to you to add all or a subset of files in docs/* or docs/_issues after the content is generated. For example, you could add both docs and _issues in a next step that will commit to an existing or new branch:

git add docs/*
git add docs/_issues/*

This means that after the original docs is added and merged, you should be able to customize or otherwise update the template to your liking. The folder won't be edited if it already exists beyond the _issues folder.

Do you have an example? Please contribute by opening an issue or a pull request!