This repository offers solutions to the benchmarks listed here completed in Coffea.
The file these solutions are intended to run on is public and can be accessed by: root://
As of 1/20/2022, these examples have been contributed by Nick Smith. They are in the coffea-adl-benchmarks.ipynb notebook and respond to the following queries:
- Plot the missing ET of all events.
- Plot pT of all jets in all events.
- Plot pT of jets with |η| < 1.
- Plot the missing ET of events that have at least two jets with pT > 40 GeV.
- Plot the missing ET of events that have an opposite-sign muon pair with an invariant mass between 60 and 120 GeV.
- Plot pT of the trijet system with the mass closest to 172.5 GeV in each event and plot the maximum b-tagging discriminant value among the jets in the triplet.
- Plot the sum of pT of jets with pT > 30 GeV that are not within 0.4 in ΔR of any lepton with pT > 10 GeV.
- For events with at least three leptons and a same-flavor opposite-sign lepton pair, find the same-flavor opposite-sign lepton pair with the mass closest to 91.2 GeV and plot the transverse mass of the missing energy and the leading other lepton.
A more pedagogical approach to solving these examples is contained within the coffea-casa-tutorials repository, intended to be ran on coffea-casa.