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6. Outputs

Máximo Ramírez edited this page Nov 9, 2017 · 5 revisions

How data are stored on ODK Aggregate

Data in ODK Aggregate are stored inside two different forms: (1) ODK 2.0 census and ODK 2.0 episample_survey_example (if you are using the proposed survey example) which were created during the configuration of the server.

ODK Aggregate Form Management

ODK 2.0 census

This form has the following variables:

variable type description
meta:instanceID text UUID (universally unique ID) generated by the Android operating system to uniquely identify the entry in the database, and link it to the ODK Survey questionnaire responses associated with the point. The UUID is based on variant 2 of RFC 4122, the Leach-Salz variant. Ex. uuid:9094dddf-20dd-4513-8ed2-6b847befee9a
meta:timeEnd datetime UNKOWN
meta:instanceName text Description of the point for listing and sorting purposes. Format is (placeName) > (headName) (houseNumber).
meta:rowID text This is a UUID used to link census with survey records. It is not the same as the meta_instanceID UUID.
meta:filterType UNKNOWN UNKNOWN
meta:filterValue UNKNOWN UNKNOWN
meta:formID text ID of the form used to collect the data.
meta:locale text Locale used to capture the data.
meta:savepointType text Indicates whether the form was finalized or not.
meta:savepointCreator text UNKNOWN
meta:savepointTimestamp datetime Date and time where the data were transferred to ODK Aggregate.
comment text (255) Free text field to describe the point or record other valuable information about the point.
createdDate datetime Date/time from the device at the time the point was generated.
dateLastSelected datetime Date/time from the device at the time the point was sampled.
deviceId text ANDROID_ID returned from the device. While this may look unique, starting with Android 4.2, multiple Android profiles have different ANDROID_ID's and a device's ANDROID_ID may change if it is factory reset or has a custom ROM applied.
deviceName This is not working as expected text Text field which is set in the Device Name field within change settings. The Device Name is used to record the name of the device. The name is typically a name or ID that is physically painted or labeled on the device. This is not the same name that is set in Wifi Direct settings.
excluded integer Describes whether the point is marked as excluded so it will not be included in the sampling frame (Numeric value of 0 or 1. 0 = not excluded, 1 = excluded).
formName text Description of the point for listing and sorting purposes. Format is (placeName) > (headName) (houseNumber).
headName text (255) Free text field to record the name of the head of the household, or to describe an excluded point which may not have a head of household. Note that only the first 18 characters are displayed in the navigate screen list. Ex. John Miller.
houseNumber integer Number from 1 to 99999 that represents a geographic point. Does not need to be unique.
interviewerName This is not working as expected text Free text field which is set in the Interviewer Name field within change settings.
location:Latitude decimal Latitude based on WGS 84 expressed in decimal degrees.
location:Longitude decimal Longitude based on WGS 84 expressed in decimal degrees.
location:Altitude decimal Altitude based on WGS 84 expressed in meters.
location:Accuracy decimal The radius of 68% confidence of the horizontal position expressed in meters.
phoneNumber integer Numeric field set in the phone number field within change settings.
placeName text Selected place name from the lowest nested level specified in the Hierarchy ID field inside the config.csv file.
random decimal Value representing a random number for sampling purposes and assigned when the select button is tapped.
sampleFrame integer Sum of the valid and invalid points (excluded points are excluded from the sampling frame) recorded in the census at time of sampling. This number represents the sampling frame.
selected integer Either 0 or 1000. 0 = not selected. 1000 = selected.
updateDate datetime Date/time from the device from the last time the point was updated.
valid integer Describes whether the GPS accuracy is above the threshold set in Admin Settings (invalid) or below the threshold (valid). Numeric value of 1 or 2. 1 = valid. 2 = invalid.


meta:instanceID	                           meta:timeEnd	          meta:instanceName	meta:rowID	                          meta:rowETag  meta:filterType  meta:filterValue  meta:formID  meta:locale  meta:savepointType meta:savepointCreator  meta:savepointTimestamp        comment             createdDate              dateLastSelected         deviceId         deviceName  excluded  formName             headName	houseNumber  interviewerName  location:Latitude location:Longitude location:Altitude location:Accuracy  phoneNumber  placeName  random        sampleFrame  selected  updatedDate  valid
uuid:f2622260-e690-4923-bf46-8b4f4f51a4dd  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  1 > ISABEL FRANK (2)  uuid:1d79e9e8-4040-4873-810c-263909ca08a3               DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE           anonymous              2017-11-08T10:29:02.206000000                      2017-11-06 11:42:58.436  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  355004055989753               0        1 > ISABEL FRANK (2)	ISABEL FRANK	2                             41.3899687200     2.1538128500       43.0000000000     20.0000000000                   1          0.4056247374  10           1000                   1
uuid:4085f263-e6fc-461d-9a62-ead6d11eddac  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  1 > JOHN MAX (4)	uuid:31c1f8c1-495d-40c2-aa36-67e1715a56fa		DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE        	anonymous	       2017-11-08T10:29:02.210000000		          2017-11-06 11:44:17.764  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  355004055989753		  0        1 > JOHN MAX (4)	JOHN MAX	4                             41.3899620800     2.1536956200       52.0000000000     16.0000000000                   1          0.4359076651  10           1000                   1
uuid:6dad09aa-0d8b-453f-bf5b-60803533bc95  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  1 > LOUIS DALTON (5)	uuid:b8335ad0-7b41-43cd-b4cc-bbed0171f27d		DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE        	anonymous	       2017-11-08T10:29:02.211000000		          2017-11-06 11:44:35.080  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  355004055989753		  0        1 > LOUIS DALTON (5)	LOUIS DALTON	5                             41.3899692600     2.1536854400       52.0000000000     16.0000000000                   1          0.0724138714  10           1000                   1
uuid:4c874260-6045-4f67-ab0f-2755d76a8f57  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  1 > MARIA LEE (3)	uuid:056a7981-c827-475d-a395-5788daa66d38		DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE        	anonymous	       2017-11-08T10:29:02.208000000  Front house	  2017-11-06 11:43:36.433  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  355004055989753		  0        1 > MARIA LEE (3)	MARIA LEE	3                             41.3899705400     2.1537709300       46.0000000000     14.0000000000                   1          0.9764029778  10           0                      1
uuid:382c3632-9d81-4def-90b3-c2cbfce8b777  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  1 > MARK DOE (1)	uuid:9ba23ab1-bfa7-4745-a886-e1991fc87581		DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE        	anonymous	       2017-11-08T10:29:02.198000000  Red door	          2017-11-06 11:42:34.073  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  355004055989753		  0        1 > MARK DOE (1)	MARK DOE	1                             41.3899699000     2.1538268600       41.0000000000     15.0000000000                   1          0.2297984328  10           1000                   1
uuid:51dac860-1b7f-4ef7-a0b5-2d82449f270a  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  5 > JOHN JOHN (2)	uuid:80668d65-f54c-43d1-a032-768770b7eed9		DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE        	anonymous	       2017-11-08T10:29:02.215000000		          2017-11-07 19:37:10.279  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  353327062627575		  0        5 > JOHN JOHN (2)	JOHN JOHN	2                             41.4183736000     2.2083021000       0                 19.7530002594                   5          0.6921750287  10           0                      1
uuid:2454d801-f62c-4635-ac8b-08117e7f43bc  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  5 > LINDA MORRIS (5)	uuid:d7e25138-3eaa-4093-ad21-7c7e02cfc177		DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE        	anonymous	       2017-11-08T10:29:02.223000000		          2017-11-07 19:37:51.419  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  353327062627575		  0        5 > LINDA MORRIS (5)	LINDA MORRIS	5                             41.4183719000     2.2083080000       0                 19.7240009308                   5          0.5314018895  10           0                      1
uuid:9955b6f0-a009-4806-b9e0-f50a30d8f47b  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  5 > MARION WAYNE (1)	uuid:2a0c0ebc-34e7-4b32-867a-81185ad3830a		DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE        	anonymous	       2017-11-08T10:29:02.213000000  Insiste the church  2017-11-07 19:36:58.290  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  353327062627575		  0        5 > MARION WAYNE (1)	MARION WAYNE	1                             41.4183736000     2.2083014000       0                 19.7779998779                   5          0.5467042446  10           0                      1
uuid:62a5dd8c-f4b9-4490-8167-8eec4fe5c096  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  5 > TOM JONES (3)	uuid:ab638a1a-47cd-4ea8-8258-2406b9e36f35		DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE        	anonymous	       2017-11-08T10:29:02.216000000		          2017-11-07 19:37:22.649  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  353327062627575		  0        5 > TOM JONES (3)	TOM JONES	3                             41.4183736000     2.2083021000       0                 19.7530002594                   5          0.9932784786  10           0                      1
uuid:c69f1484-1eeb-4dcd-8196-3bc8c774925b  2017-11-04 08:29:02.0  5 > MARIA DOE (4)	uuid:c1cc0910-b7c8-4e5c-9aa1-d6a7b9a5bfc1		DEFAULT		                   census	en	     COMPLETE        	anonymous	       2017-11-08T10:29:02.222000000		          2017-11-07 19:37:34.245  2017-11-07 19:40:19.574  353327062627575		  0        5 > MARIA DOE (4)	MARIA DOE	4                             41.4183699000     2.2083037000       0                 19.6730003357                   5          0.9651917367  10           0                      1

ODK 2.0 episample_survey_example

The survey form will be stored at the ODK Aggregate server as any ODK form. Just highlight that the variable meta:rowID will link the survey responds to the census information.


meta:instanceID                            meta:timeEnd           meta:instanceName              meta:rowID                                 meta:rowETag  meta:filterType  meta:filterValue  meta:formID               meta:locale  meta:savepointType  meta:savepointCreator  meta:savepointTimestamp        assets              consent  dob                    hh_acceptance  marital_status  other_roof  other_why_not_consent  pregnant_last_12_months  read  resident_during_pregnancy  roof  visit  why_not_consent
uuid:f7466e39-068b-488a-900f-ee83dfd153b6  2017-11-04 11:11:22.0  2017-11-08T13:11:22.121000000  uuid:9ba23ab1-bfa7-4745-a886-e1991fc87581                                                   episample_survey_example  default      COMPLETE            anonymous              2017-11-08T13:11:22.121000000  cell_phone bicycle  yes      1984-07-28 00:00:00.0  yes            union           Wood                               yes                      yes   yes                        other		

You may notice how this record is linked to the census record named as 1 > MARK DOE (1) through the meta:rowID field.

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