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SSH Tunnel Manager

A cross-platform, PyQt GUI to manage SSH tunnels

SSH Tunnel Manager

Installation (Standalone)

You can download the standalone executable from the Release section.

Installation (From Source)

  • Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a config: cp config.example.yml config.yml
  • Run the app: python3
  • You can modify sshtunnelmgr.desktop and put in ~/.local/share/application to create a app menu shortcut


A sample configuration file provide as config.example.yml. Here is one sample host entry.

  local_port: 15672
  proxy_host: demo-bastion

This entry, when clicked Start, will run the following SSH command to establish the tunnel.

ssh -L demo-bastion

The key browser_open is optional. If provided, it will open the provided URL in the system's default web browser. (The local_port will be appended to the URL automatically!)

The application saves the tunnel information into a dict and can kill it when the Stop button is clicked.

SSH bind on Privileged Ports

Binding on privileged ports will fail unless the user/program has administrative access.

For Linux/macOS, run the following command to allow SSH program to allow binding on privileged ports.

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /usr/bin/ssh


If you put image files (png/jpg/bmp) in ./icons/ with the same filename as the name field of tunnel configuration, it will appear as icon for that specific entry.

For example, the tunnel identifier is kubernetes, so ./icons/kubernetes.png will be set as the form's icon.


If you are migrating from older versions of this tool, please change all local_address in your config to local_port and make it a number.


  • Gracefully close SSH session instead of kill
  • Allow adding/editing/deleting hosts using the GUI
  • Store the config in QSettings instead of local yml file