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NestJS GraphQL API + gRPC microservices and Jest

This project is a monorepo containing a GraphQL API with gRPC back-end microservices built using the NestJS framework. This project is mainly used for learning/trial and boilerplate purposes only.

Architecture Overview

The GraphQL API acts as a gateway/proxy for the different microservices it exposes. The resolvers of the GraphQL API make calls to the gRPC microservices through client-server communication. The services and the data interchange are defined using Protocol Buffers. The gRPC microservices handle and fulfill the requests whether they are database or storage operations or any other internal or external calls. Also added unit-test with help Jest

API Layer

NestJS + GraphQL acts as the API Layer for the architecture. It takes care of listening for client requests and calling the appropriate back-end microservice to fulfill them.

Microservice Layer

NestJS + gRPC was chosen as the framework to do the microservices. Protocol buffers was used as the data interchange format between the client (GraphQL API) and the server (gRPC microservices). NestJS is still the framework used to create the gRPC Microservices.

Persistence Layer

PostgreSQL is used as the database and Sequelize is used as the Object-Relational Mapper (ORM).

How to Run


You must install the following on your local machine:

  1. Node.js (v12.x recommended)
  2. Docker
  3. Docker Compose
  4. PostgreSQL Client (libpq as required by pg-native)


  1. On the Terminal, go into the project's root folder (cd /project/root/folder) and execute npm start. The start script will install all npm dependencies for all projects, lint the code, transpile the code, build the artifacts (Docker images) and run all of them via docker-compose.

  2. Once the start script is done, the GraphQL Playground will be running on http://localhost:3000


API Gateway

  • Add unit tests


  • Add caching
  • Add health checks
  • Add unit tests
  • Improve logging
  • Improve error handling