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Vector Embeddings, OpenAI API, Langchain, Python, Vector Database, Pinecone

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Vector Embeddings with OpenAI, Langchain and Pinecone - Code Repository

This repository contains Python scripts for generating and storing text embeddings in a vector database from a PDF document. The code utilizes several technologies:

  • OpenAI API: Used to generate numerical representations (embeddings) of text chunks. OpenAI model "text-embedding-ada-002" used for generating embeddings.
  • Pinecone: A vector database for storing and efficiently searching the generated embeddings.
  • PyPDF2: A Python library to extract text from PDF files.
  • langchain.text_splitter: A library for splitting text into smaller chunks.



  • Ensure you have Python installed (version 3.6 or later recommended).

  • Consider creating a virtual environment using tools like venv or virtualenv to isolate project dependencies and avoid conflicts with other Python installations.

  • Package Installation: Use pip to install the required Python packages within your activated virtual environment (if applicable):

#pip install openai pinecone langchain PyPDF2

  • API integration: For integrating with OpenAI and Pinecone, you need to obtain and configure the respective API keys for these platforms. You can set the API key as an environment variable.

Details included in the assumptions / requirements section below.

Required Python Packages

‑ Openai: Python library for interacting with the OpenAI API for generating embeddings.

‑ Pinecone: Python library for managing data interactions with the Pinecone vector database.

‑ Langchain: Python library that provides the RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter class for splitting text into chunks.

‑ PyPDF2: Python library for extracting text content from PDF files.

Details included in the assumptions / requirements section below.

Python Scripts


This script demonstrates how to generate an embedding for a sample text sentence using the OpenAI API.

  • Functionality: Generates an embedding for the text "Hello world".

  • Technology: OpenAI API (Python library)

  • Language: Python


This script showcases storing a sample embedding in a Pinecone index.

  • Functionality: Stores a sample embedding vector in a Pinecone index.

  • Technology: Pinecone (Python library)

  • Language: Python


This script takes a PDF file, extracts the text content, splits it into chunks, generates embeddings for each chunk using OpenAI, and finally prints the results.

  • Functionality: Extracts text from PDF, splits into chunks, generates embeddings for each chunk, and prints them.

  • Technology: PyPDF2, langchain.text_splitter, OpenAI API (Python libraries)

  • Language: Python


This script builds upon the previous one by not only generating embeddings but also storing them in a Pinecone index along with the original text chunks as metadata.

  • Functionality: Extracts text from PDF, splits into chunks, generates embeddings, stores them with corresponding text in Pinecone.

  • Technology: PyPDF2, langchain.text_splitter, OpenAI API, Pinecone (Python libraries)

  • Language: Python

Assumptions / Requirements

  • Make sure you have Python installed (version 3.8 or later recommended) - 3.8.8 used.

  • OpenAI version used: openai 1.30.3.

  • To use the OpenAI API for generating vector embeddings, ensure you have an OpenAI account with valid API keys. You can obtain your API keys from the OpenAI platform ( and manage them ( Additionally, ensure that your account has sufficient usage quota, as this example requires a paid OpenAI account.

  • Langchain version: 0.2.1

  • PyPDF2 version: 3.0.1

  • Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended) to isolate project dependencies.

  • Install the required libraries using: pip install openai langchain pypdf2 pinecone

  • Set the OPENAI_API_KEY, PINECONE_API_KEY, and PINECONE_HOST environment variables with your respective API keys. Use the following Linux commands to export these variables:

    export OPENAI_API_KEY="your_openai_api_key"

    export PINECONE_API_KEY="your_pinecone_api_key"

    export PINECONE_HOST="your_pinecone_host"

  • Pinecone environment (Pinecone free account used 1) Pinecone Index is used 2) Dimensions: 1536 3) Host type: Serverless. In the code replace:

In and replace index name:

index_name = "replace your pinecone index name here"

  • Use your pdf file and adjust file path accordingly:

In and replace pdf file path:

pdf_path = "filepath_for_your_pdf_file_home/example.pdf"

  • Run each script from the command line. Example: python


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Vector Embeddings, OpenAI API, Langchain, Python, Vector Database, Pinecone






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