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Release steps

Albert Y. Kim edited this page Aug 24, 2019 · 1 revision

Copied from corresponding Google Doc (only the first part):

1. Final cosmetic edits and checks:

a) Formatting

  • Borders of all histograms should be white, making the binning structure easier to read.
  • Use computer font for all computing concepts: function(), data_frame, variable_names, package_name.
  • Maybe? Consider using bold only for statistical concepts?
  • Remove all &, %, and _ in fig.cap for R chunk options since they break PDF build
  • Ensure no code exceeds 80 characters. While HTML code block outputs tolerate >80, PDF code block outputs do not.
  • Ensure skimr::skim() code is not actually run, but all calls and outputs are hard-coded (with hist preview removed and --- output cut down to 80 characters), since this will break all knitr::kable() code for rest of book.

b) References

  • Search for all broken references (search for @ref and ?? in html output)
  • Maintain Chapter/Section/Subsection naming consistency
  • As much as feasible, ensure index is up-to-date by adding \index{<term>} tags
  • Ensure all Figures & Tables are referenced.

c) Dataset management

  • Remove all load() calls if possible
  • Ensure all CSV’s are loaded from and not other sites (our personal sites for example). See index.Rmd, set-options R chunk, copy all needed csv files to docs/
  • Create links for all linked Google Docs

d) Spell check

  • Do it in RStudio.
  • Scan over all changed content to make sure grammar is correct.

e) R Scripts: Make sure docs/scripts folder contains the appropriate scripts

  • Can be built using source(“purl.R”)
  • If time allows, go over all code blocks and ensure that purl = FALSE is set for all code chunks we don't want shared.
  • Requires the book published to to have links to
  • Development version should link to since code may be updated in development causing problems if someone on is trying to look over all the code for what is there

f) ETC

  • Ensure only Shutterstock licensed photos/images are used.
  • Delete contents of rds/ and rebuild all .rds files in case any got stale.

g) Final steps

  • Update all R packages before one final build
  • Change .travis.yml so that infer and moderndive packages are NOT GitHub development .9000 versions but rather CRAN versions.
  • Relatedly, ensure moderndive package on CRAN is updated around same time as moderndive book version bump.
  • Build PDF version

2. Switch from dev to release version on GitHub:

a) Create new GitHub branch

Create dev-to-release-vX.X.X branch to be used for pull request. See example commit on GitHub.

b) Edit index.Rmd

At the top

  • YAML: Change r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y') to release date of form “January 1, 1970”
  • Remove “development branch” version warning block

set-options R chunk

  • Current version information:
    • Remove .9000 and bump version number
    • Set date to release date: replace format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y') with date of form “January 1, 1970”
  • Latest release information:
    • Update to release values
  • CRAN packages needed:
    • If possible, use CRAN versions
    • Periodically: Do a search for use of all packages and remove those no longer used
  • GitHub packages needed:
    • Ensure they are installed from master branch. For ex, don’t do: devtools::install_github("moderndive/moderndive", ref = "version_bump")
    • Jump to .travis.yml -> r_github_packages -> remove @commit_number. For ex, don’t do: andrewpbray/infer@83451d0caaa54eeb7f582d5889a6ec1597cd805e

Section 1.4 “About this book”

  • Latest published version: ensure info is correct
  • Previous versions: Add previous version info
  • Add previous version to previous_version/ folder. Steps:
    • Go to previous_versions/ and add new subfolder for soon-to-be previous version
    • Go to GitHub releases pages and download .zip of source code of soon-to-be previous version
    • In index.Rmd
      • Uncomment notice about this being an out-of-date version
      • Ensure comment is surrounded by *** to highlight this note
    • Build book
    • Copy contents of docs/ folder to the new subfolder in previous_version/

c) Edit other files:

  • All Chapter .Rmd files: Remove all install_github() package installations
  • Update with all significant changes from this TODO
  • .gitignore: Remove bib/packages.bib

3. Publish release

  • Merge dev-to-release-vX.X.X branch into master
  • Merge master into release via PR (trick to remember: right into left). Or consider doing this?
  • Rebuild release/docs and commit. You might need to remove docs/ from .gitignore to be able to commit to release branch
  • Tag release on GitHub

4. Revert back to dev version on GitHub:

a) Create new GitHub branch

Create release-to-dev branch to be used for pull request. See example commit on GitHub to revert back to devel version by undoing all changes to:

b) Edit index.Rmd

At the top

  • YAML: Change release date back to r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')
  • Return “development branch” version warning block

set-options R chunk

  • Current version information:
    • Add .9000 to version number
    • Set date to r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')

c) Edit other files:

  • Add section for new dev version
  • Add bib/packages.bib to .gitignore
  • Revert .travis.yml so that infer and moderndive packages are github dev versions