This repository contains the code and schematics for an Arduino-based power factor correction system. The system monitors and compensates for the power factor in real-time, displaying voltage, current, and power factor values on an LCD screen and controlling capacitor banks with LED indicators.
Features: Real-time monitoring of voltage, current, and power factor Calculation and display of average power and reactive power requirements Automatic activation of capacitor banks to achieve desired power factor User-friendly interface with LCD display and button controls Indicator LEDs for capacitor bank status
Hardware Components: Arduino Uno LCD display Analog sensors for voltage and current measurement LEDs for capacitor bank indication Push buttons for user interaction
Software Techniques: C++ programming for signal processing and real-time data acquisition Control algorithms for power factor correction Implementation of best combination selection for reactive power compensation
Usage: Connect the hardware components as per the schematic. Power on the system. Use the buttons to navigate the LCD menu and monitor real-time power factor data. The system will automatically activate the required capacitor banks based on the calculated reactive power.