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Models for Lyrics Generation

In the following models we will introduce two approaches of handling the following task:

Generating lyrics for a song given a melody and initial word.

Model 1 - Language Model with melody embedded

In our first model we created a language model having two inputs - lyrics and the melody vector. The lyrics represent as sequences and the melody is represented by a vector with 5 different aspect of summarized melody data.

Approach for integrating the melody information together with the lyrics

The main idea of this model is to find language model that predict the next word of a given sequence but get a shift of the prediction by adding vector of melody that need to change the prediction depended on the melody.

Model Inputs

Lyrics Sequence input

Our approach is to split up the source text line-by-line, then break each line down into a series of words that build up. By that, each word will first be represented separately, and also as a part of a sequence. The general Sequence format will be as the following: [word1, word2, word3, ... , word10]

Melody input

Represent a melody, loaded with pretty_midi object and provide aspects of 5 different melody data.

  • Semitone –The relative amount of each semitone across the entire song - 12 dim
  • Piano Roll - The relative amount of each piano roll across the entire song – 128 dim
  • Transition Matrix - Total pitch class transition matrix of all instruments normalize and flattened – 144
  • Histogram - The frequency of pitch classes of all instruments – dim 12
  • BPM – normalize beat per minute – 1 dim Total of 297 dimensions.

Model architecture:

The model consists of several important layers:

  • Embedding - Embed each word of the sequence input ( Pre-trained - FastText )
  • Two LSTM Layers
  • Concatenation layer - Combining the LSTM output with the melody input.
  • Two Dense Layers - with dropout regularization.
  • Softmax Layer - to produce probabilities vector.

Model 2 - Neural Machine Translation from Melody to Lyrics

In the second model we implement a model based on Neural Machine Translation where the source language is the melody and the target language is the lyrics.

Approach for integrating the melody information together with the lyrics:

By this assumption we use Seq2Seq (Encoder-Decoder) model where the Encoder get a sequence of melody and the decoder get a sequence of lyrics and predict the next word. The difference in melody input will be explained further in the model input section. Because there is long sequences we added another component – attention mechanism. The outcome - a model like machine translation with attention – seq2seq with attention.

Model Inputs

Lyrics Sequence input

The lyrics sequence input is the same as the first model.

Melody Sequence input

Represent a sequence timestamps matrix of the melody.

  • Chroma – A sequence of chroma vectors. - 12 dim X sequence length
  • Piano Roll - The relative amount of each piano roll across the entire song – 128 dim X sequence length.

In order to achieve a fixed size of the sequence length:

  • Sampled the length of all melodies
  • Since the lengths vary, we wanted to find the number that will represent the central part of the melody. Therefore, we figured that the Median length of the melodies will be represent most songs.

The frequency of sampling was one second for sequence length.
The outcome Matrix had the dimension 221x140

Model architecture

Encoder - Melody

  • Input of matrix of sequence for each melody
  • LSTM layer
  • Three outputs – sequence output, LSTM hidden state and cell state

Decoder – Lyrics

  • Input of sequence of lyrics
  • Embedding of the words (Pre- trained - FastText)
  • LSTM (input - Encoder’s last 2 states as initial state for hidden state, cell state)
  • Output the sequence


  • Dot product between encoder sequence output and decoder sequence output
  • Softmax

Context and output of the model

  • Context - Will be computed by using the encoder sequence output and dot product with the attention
  • Concatenate - combined context with the decoder output by concatenation
  • The last layers of the model are flattened and dense with regularization
  • Predict next word of the sequence by a softmax