The best, free and powerful wordpress movie theme, with access to a large volume of movies and tv shows with a single click.
Popcorntime WP is created to facilitate the work of creating content with requires little effort, uses powerful tools that provide data, texts and images from very reliable sources.
To do:
- Download and Install custom-post-template plugin
- Download and Install post-thumbnail-from-url plugin
- Activate Plugin
- for tv show post use "post template" TV
- for movies use "default template"
- under permalinks setting create a category base like genre or genero or what you whant
- Edit file "config.php" to make the theme run correct!!
Popcorntime Wordpress Theme follows WordPress recommended requirements. Make sure you have all these dependences installed before moving on:
- WordPress >= 4.7
- PHP >= 7.0
No documentation right now.
Great that you are considering supporting the project. You have a lot of ways to help us grow. We appreciate all contributions, even the smallest.
- Report an issue
- Propose a feature
- Send a pull request
- Star project on the GitHub
- Tell about project around your community
The Popcorntime Wordpress Theme is licensed under the MIT license.