Simple create a Kubernetes Cluster with Rancher in Hetzner-Cloud
brew install hcloud rancher-cli kubectl jq
Usage: ./ --context <name> [OPTIONS]
Simple create a Kubernetes Cluster with Rancher in Hetzner-Cloud
--context <name> Your Project Name will be use for hcloud-context and rancher-cluster name
--rancher-version <version> Rancher Version (Image Tag) (default "latest")
--rancher-type <type> Type of Rancher Node (default "cx21-ceph")
--master <number> Number of Master Nodes ("1"|"3"|"5") (default "1")
--master-type <type> Type of Master Nodes (default "cx31-ceph")
--worker <number> Number of Worker Nodes (default "1")
--worker-type <type> Type of Worker Nodes (default "cx31")
--home-location <data-center> hcloud Datacenter ("fsn1"|"hel1"|"nbg1") (default "nbg1")
-D, --debug Enable debug mode
-h, --help Show help for more information
Cloud-Config files are now protected with .gitingore
You can update cloud-config folder and files with git add -f
- implement Lets Encrypt
get kubectl config after setupauto-deploy hcloud volumes (hcloud-csi)- try out hcloud cluster-provider
rancher setup with rancher-data