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Miguel Sozinho Ramalho edited this page Dec 9, 2017 · 3 revisions

feup-ltw - Group 1

LTW Project - A TODO list management platform:

Official instructions.


To initialise the database, go to the database folder and run: sqlite3 -init todo.sql todo.db

Project Organization

📂 root - Contains the folder structure and the files that represent the web pages

  • 📁 classes - php files that describe the layout and behaviour of the classes
  • 📁 database - files related to the database (todo.sql, todo.db, connection)
  • 📂 public - only the files that anyone should be able to access
    • 📁 css - CSS files
    • 📁 js - javascript files (can have more subfolders)
    • 📂 images - Images: profile pictures and other media
      • 📁 profile - User's profile pictures
      • 📁 other - Any other images
  • 📁 actions - php files that receive post requests and redirect
  • 📁 includes - contains files that are reused across other .php files
    • 📁 common - Common includes
  • 📂 templates - folder that contains the html templates for the main pages to use
    • 📁 common - Common templates
    • 📁 dashboard - Dasboard templates
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