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A build system for client side development.


Put [lein-mangoes "0.2.1"] into the :plugins vector of your project.clj.

As this is a development plugin, it can be included in the dev profile of the project.

    :profiles {:dev {:source-paths ["dev"]
               :plugins [[lein-mangoes "0.1.0"]]}}

A :mangoes key defines the different folders to watch and the action to take -

    :mangoes [[:hiccup->html "app/hiccup-templates" "app/templates"]
              [:html->hiccup "app/tmp" "app/hiccup-templates"]]

The watch can then be started using:

    $ lein mangoes

Sample Usage

  1. Add the following key to project.clj to convert from hiccup to html - :mangoes [[:hiccup->html "hiccup-templates" "templates"]]

  2. Create the folders hiccup-templates and templates in your project.

  3. cd into the hiccup-templates folder.

  4. Create a hiccup file : echo "[:a [:b]]" >> a.clj

  5. This will produce a html file : cat ../templates/a.html >> <a><b></b></a>


The configuration of the plugin is specified by using a sequence of vectors. Each vector has three entries -

  1. A keyword which represents the fn that will be run.
  2. The directory to observe for changes.
  3. The destination directory to output the results.

The input directories should already exist before lein mangoes is run. The plugin uses the java.nio api to watch for changes in folders. Thus if a folder doesnt exist, or is deleted, then an error is thrown by the api, and the plugin terminates all threads listening for changes. In this case lein mangoes will have to be re-run.


This plugin is a convenience utility to ease client side development using clojure technoligies. There are excellent clojure libraries, which enable writing html and CSS in clojure syntax. However these libraries have to be called from repl to generate the corresponding html and CSS code. This plugin provides a continous compilation between the corresponding clojure syntax and the resulting CSS/HTML syntax.

Clojure is a powerful and expressive language, and just as its abilities can be leveraged for javascript development (via clojurescript), so it can be for html and CSS (via hiccup and garden). This workflow works well where the developers are also working on CSS and HTML. Thus it makes sense to use one language for all the needs.

However what is missing is a seamless way to convert between hiccup and html, and vice versa. The lein-mangoes plugin provides this convenience. The idea is to be able to write html and CSS in clojure syntax, and have it compile to html and CSS instantaneously. This is similar to the SASS, LESS, HAML and Jade pre compilers.


It currently supports the following options -

  1. :html->hiccup It observes a directory for any changes to files in html format, and then converts them to .clj files in hiccup format.
  2. :hiccup->html It observes a directory for any changes to files in hiccup format, and then converts them to .html files in html format.


The different actions are implemented as multimethods. Adding a new compilation target is as easy as adding a new multimethod.

Each vector results in creation of a new future. All the futures are maintained in an atom, and the (cancel-future) is called on them in case of an error. All errors are caught and then printed on the screen.

There is a transformer fn, which reads a file from a given path, applies a fn on it, and writes it on a given path.

Each future creates a watch over a directory, and receives events on any changes. The watch is implemented using the clj-nio2 wrapper over java's nio classess.

The Road Ahead

At present it allows converting back and forth between html and hiccup. The back and forth between garden and CSS is still left to be implemented.

One goal is (I do not know of the feasibility) to allow the usage of namespaced hiccup snippets from libraries, to create hiccup templates, which can then be compiled to html.


This plugin is a very young library, and your comments, suggestions, ideas, code reviews and pull requests will make a big difference !


  1. clj-nio2 for the wonderful wrapper. Special thanks to Jurgen Hoetzel for helping out with its usage.
  2. hickory for providing the functionality to parse html into hiccup.
  3. hiccup for coming up with the wonderful idea that is hiccup.
  4. pedestal for rekindling the fun in client side development.


Copyright © 2013

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


A build system for client side development.






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