Rolling Curl X is a fork of Rolling Curl wrapper cURL Multi. It aims at making concurrent http requests in PHP as easy as possible.
####License MIT
##How to Use Using this class is very easy.
First initialize class with the maximum number of concurrent requests you want open at a time. All requests after this will be queued until one completes.
$RollingCurlX = new RollingCurlX(10);
Next add a request to the queue
$url = '';
$post_data = ['user' => 'bob', 'token' => 'dQw4w9WgXcQ']; //set to NULL if not using POST
$user_data = ['foo', $whatever];
$options = [CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => false];
$RollingCurlX->addRequest($url, $post_data, 'callback_functn' $user_data, $options, $headers);
The callback function should look like this:
function callback_functn($response, $url, $request_info, $user_data, $time) {
$time; //how long the request took in milliseconds (float)
$request_info; //returned by curl_getinfo($ch)
Send the requests. Blocks until all requests complete or timeout.
Thats pretty much it for a simple request. See? Easy. No more need to wait between making multiple api calls.
But there's more if you need it...
//Set a timeout on all requests:
$RollingCurlX->setTimeout(3000); //in milliseconds
//To set options for all requests(will be overridden by individual request options):
//To do the same with http headers:
$RollingCurlX->setHeaders(['Content-type: application/xml', 'Authorization: gfhjui']);
If you find any issues please let me know.