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the logging library built to be pretty, not useful

Example of the aya library which it shows a pretty console log

✨ Features

  • 🌸 Fully Customizable: Want to change the prefix "error" to "success"? I don't know why anyone would do something this stupid, but you can if you want.....!!!!
  • 🎨 Colored: Because plain text is boring :)
  • πŸ“ File Support: You can write all your logs to a file (woww that's so cool and innovative)
  • πŸ‘Ύ Discord Webhook Support: Are you a bad developer who's always breaking things? (cof cof) You can receive a notification in Discord each time your server is exploding!! πŸ’₯πŸ’£

πŸ“© Installation

$ npm install @nokya/aya  # Using npm
$ pnpm install @nokya/aya # Using pnpm
$ yarn add @nokya/aya     # Using yarn

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Basic Usage

import Logger from '@nokya/aya'
import chalk from 'chalk'

const log = new Logger({
    prefix: '(my-app)',
    levelPrefixes: {
        debug: 'πŸ› > debug✨🐜',
        info: 'πŸ“’ > infoπŸ”ŠπŸ”Ž',
        warn: '⚠️ > warn🚨⚑',
        error: '🚨 > errorπŸ”₯πŸ’₯'

log.debug('this is a debug message')"and i'm an info message!!")
log.warn(chalk.yellow('warning!! danger ahead!!'))
log.error('OH NOOOOO!! something went wrong!!'))


You can check more examples in the examples folder.

πŸ“š Documentation

Instantiating the Logger

import Logger from '@nokya/aya'

const log = new Logger(options)


const options = {
    // Prefix displayed before the level
    prefix: '(aya)',

    // Log levels that will be displayed
    levels: ['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'],

    // Format of the log message (check out the placeholders section)
    logFormat: '{prefix} {level} {message}',

    // Output format (text or JSON)
    format: 'text',

    // Prefixes for each level
    levelPrefixes: {
        debug: '[πŸ› debug]',
        info: '[πŸ” info]',
        warn: '[☒️  warn]',
        error: '[❌ error]'

    // Bold levels in output
    boldLevel: true,

    // Colors for each level prefix (uses chalk)
    colors: {
        prefix: 'blue',
        debug: 'green',
        info: 'cyan',
        warn: 'yellow',
        error: 'red'

    // File logging options
    file: {
        // Enable file logging
        use: false,

        // Path to save logs
        path: './logs',

        // Maximum file size before rotating
        maxSize: '10MB',

        // File name format
        nameFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss',

        // Log message format for file logs (check out the placeholders section)
        logFormat: '{prefix} [{timestamp}] [{level}]: {message}'


Placeholder Description Example
{prefix} Prefix displayed before the level (aya)
{level} Log message level [πŸ› debug]
{message} Log message content aya is so cool!!!
{timestamp} Current timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.SSS format) 2024-12-31 23:59:59.999

🎨 Formatting

You can use the chalk library to format messages or you can pass an object with the ayaMsg key to use the formatter{
    ayaMsg: 'aya is so cool!!!',
    fgColor: 'blue',
    bold: true,
    underline: true,
    italic: true

Oh, and we also have the y formatter if you want to use for somethign else....

import { y } from '@nokya/aya/format'

        ayaMsg: 'aya is so cool!!!',
        fgColor: 'blue',
        bold: true,
        underline: true,
        italic: true


log.debug(...messages: MessageType[])

Logs a debug message. MessageType[])

Logs an info message.

log.warn(...messages: MessageType[])

Logs a warning message.

log.error(...messages: MessageType[])

Logs an error message.

log.use(plugin: LoggerPlugin)

Adds a plugin to the logger.

πŸ”Œ Plugins

πŸ‘Ύ Discord Webhook

import { discordWebhook } from '@nokya/aya/plugins'



const options = {
    // Webhook URL
    url: '',

    // Webhook username
    username: 'aya',

    // Webhook avatar (list of URLs to randomize or a single URL)
    avatarUrl: [

    // Log levels to send (only 'warn' and 'error' are allowed)
    levels: ['error', 'warn'],

    // Embed labels for each level
    labels: {
        warn: ':warning: Warning',
        error: ':x: Error'

    // Embed colors (hex or decimal format)
    colors: {
        warn: '#fee75c',
        error: '#ed4245'

    // Display a message when the plugin is loaded
    showLoadMessage: false

πŸ“œ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🌱 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome!!!!!!!!!!!! Help meeeeee!!!! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸