- clusterProfiler Over-representation analysis R shiny
- This is part of the NASQAR toolbox
- Pre-print: NASQAR: A web-based platform for High-throughput sequencing data analysis and visualization
This is a web-based interactive application that wraps the popular clusterProfiler package which implements methods to analyze and visualize functional profiles of genomic coordinates, gene and gene clusters.
Users can upload their own differential gene expression (DGE) data from DESeq2 or import data from the upstream Deseq2Shiny app.
This app allows for quick and easy Over-representation analysis (ORA) of GO-Terms and KEGG pathways.
It is meant to provide an intuitive interface for researchers to easily upload, analyze, visualize, and explore single-cell RNA-seq data interactively with no prior programming knowledge in R.
Visuals produced include dot plots, wordclouds, category net plots, enrichment map plots, GO induced graphs, gsea plots, and enriched KEGG pathway plots using the Pathview package.
The application follows this tutorial
See below for example output plots.
This application accepts the following types of input data:
For demo purposes, you can select "Example data"
You can follow the steps afterwards to run the analysis mirroring the tutorial in order to get familiar with the app
A .csv/.txt file that contains a table of differential gene expression (DGE) data
Eg. the output of DESeq2
The file can be either comma or tab delimited
The required columns are Gene name/id, Log2 Fold Change, p-adjusted values
You will have to select the column names that match the above required columns
For a sample file, click here
The output results will be either displayed and/or is downloadable
- EnrichGo results table
- EnrichKEGG results table
Various forms of visualizations are included for either Go/KEGG:
- Bar Plot
- Dot Plot
- Enrichment Plot Map
- Enriched GO induced graph (goplot, GO only)
- Enriched GO induced graph (cnetplot)
- Pathview Plots (KEGG)
- Word Clouds