Software Information
DeepScore is a software to analyze DEPTH values generated from DEPTH software.
Please refer to INSTALL file in the distribution.
Usage and Requirements
DEPTH code: if depth-generated files are not provided as input
Compiling DEPTH: See Also;
cd deepscore/Externals/DEPTH/bin make
To run the DeepScore with an example file, use the following:
This will plot the residue-wise depth values and atomwise depth values. The actual values can be accessed using DeepScore object as follows:
#DEPTH values are stored in ds_obj.ResidueDepths python dictionary. #Key-value pairs: key: (chain,residuenumber), value: [DEPTH value , Standard deviation]
for Residue_ID, Depth_vals in ds_obj.ResidueDepths.items():
chain,residuenumber = Residue_ID
DEPTH_value , Depth_SD = Depth_vals
for Residue_ID, Depth_vals in ds_obj.AtomicDepths.items():
chain,residuenumber,atomtype = Residue_ID
DEPTH_value , Depth_SD = Depth_vals