This application stablish a bypass connection between USB UART and Arduino serial pins UART, i.e. D0 and D1 pins.
This is used in order to manage NB-IoT module directly through AT commands.
This code has been developed for Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840 DK and NB-IoT Arduino shield.
Tested NB-IoT shileds: AVNET BG96.
This project uses:
- nRF5 SDK version 15.3.0
- nRF52840 PDK (PCA10056)
You can find a hex folder with the precompiled application for PCA10056.
In order to stablish serial connection with your PC, you can use PUTTY if you are a Windows user or GNU Screen if you are a Linux user.
PUTTY connection parameters:
Baud rate: 115.200
8 data bits
1 stop bit
No parity
HW flow control: None
GNU screen
sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200
Where /dev/ttyACM0 is the nRF52840 device. You can know what is the path of your nRF52840 connecting it and executing dmesg on UNIX terminal.
If you want to compile the project, you can use SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM. Put the downloaded folder into