Repository for the Linkit Beginner Challengeon Explainable ML using SHAP values.
The goal of this challenge is to build a model that predicts whether a customer will subscribe to a term deposit or not and to explain the model using SHAP Values.
The dataset is from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and contains information about customers of a Portuguese bank. The target variable is deposit
and has two possible values: yes
and no
. For more information refer to the challenge.ipynb
Your submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Accuracy on a hold-out test set
- Explanation of the predictions: For a few selected test points, you will have to explain with SHAP values why the model made the prediction it did.
You can either develop locally by cloning the repo or work in a cloud environment like Google Colab.
You can use Google Colab to run the notebook.
To get the data inside colab, use the following commands inside a cell (make sure to prefix the line with !
as it is shown here):
!pip install dvc
!dvc get data/bank_train.csv -o data/bank_train.csv
!dvc get data/bank_test.csv -o data/bank_test.csv
This installs dvc
and downloads the data from the repository.
You may have to install some missing dependencies, that are not pre-installed in the colab environment like shap
!pip install shap
For local development, you can fork this repository and run the following commands to set up a virtual environment and install the required dependencies. You must have python installed on your machine. I used Python 3.10.7 for this project.
You can use your preferred method of creating a virtual environment, but we recommend using the builtin venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Pull the data from the remote storage by running:
dvc pull
Optionally, install development dependencies and pre-commit hooks:
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
These hooks will run on every commit and will check for linting errors and formatting issues. Optionally, you can remove the output of all cells to make it easier for version control. This part is commented out at the moment.