CraftQuery is a web application that allows users to manage and query data using the Notion API.
Users can generate/raise queries over our platform.
Notion Database
Notion DB images:
Image |
- View and manage queries stored in a Notion database.
- Search for queries by name or email.
- Add, update, and delete queries.
- User-friendly interface.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js and npm
- Notion API Integration (API Key and Database ID)
Create a .env file in the project root with the following variables:
GET /list
: Retrieve a list of queries.
GET /list/:id
: Retrieve details of a specific query.
POST /add
: Add a new query.
PATCH /update/:id
: Update an existing query.
GET /search/:query
: Search for queries by name or email.
Contributions to the projects are welcome! Please follow these steps:
- 🍴 Fork the repository.
- 🌿 Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
- 🛠️ Make your changes and commit them.
- 🚀 Push your changes to your fork.
- 🔄 Create a pull request to the main repository.
Contributions and feedback are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue. Please follow the contribution guidelines.
👨💻 Author: Nishant (@nishant219)